When having a semi-frozen beverage, blue is the *only* choice...


Veteran XV
Went to see Cloverfield last night (5 or 6 out of 10), and had a blue Icee. It was delicious. As an added bonus, it has laxative like effects on me, and my poop turns a beautiful shade of lime green.

In conclusion, why would anyone ever have any color but blue? It's obviously the king of the frozen drink color/flavor scale. Yes, in this case, blue is a flavor.

1) Blue owns you.
2) What can blue do for you?
3) Sup.
4) Any dessert with "Lava" in the name rules.
5) I feel bad for Jim.
ugh disappointed to hear cloverfield is a 5 or a 6 :(

Just my opinion...

The action sequences were pretty good, and the theater sound was awesome. The story and pacing were really my only problems with it. As long as you don't expect too much from it, it's still a fun watch.
Red Icee is the way to go. It is infinitely superior to any red Slurpee or Slush Puppy or other red icy drink.