What is your opinion of alternate energy

I want to look into solar after I do some home additions. I don't want to put a bunch of solar panels just to have them removed for work then having it be reinstalled..etc.

Would probably make sense to have the solor stuff done as the additions are done.
I didn't feel like reading all this so I'll just give my opinion on alternate energy.

I think the "Alternative energy" industry is an opportunistic waste. It's really just temporary crap being distributed and monopolized like oil is. I think people should just do what they can with the resources around them to obtain as much self-sufficiency as they can, not create some vast "alternative energy" network in order to change from one stupidly expensive commodity to another. Ethanol and biodiesel aren't very much but if used in the places where they can be used and are a biproduct of other things, well why not. I just dislike how it's slowly and vaguely becoming like the status quo.
alternate energy in itself is stupid.

regions should use energy which is natively abundant, and diversify [not your bonds, but] energy usage.
alternate energy in itself is stupid.

regions should use energy which is natively abundant, and diversify [not your bonds, but] energy usage.

So......what? No solar power for the antarctic? I'd say rays of the sun is pretty abundant everywhere.
juggernaughts fat wife would make a valuable fuel source if she was burned

her fat would probably burn for a couple years

She dumped him and made him move out after he coned her out of her inheritance.

Michael D. Motley continues to think he is on "the next big thing" in money making, with "alternate energy" likely being his current million dollar idea.
there are about 4 states that offer solid incentives for solar.....california, new jersey, arizona, and nevada. If you don't live in one of those states you are looking at a minimum 6 year payback (for an extremely small system), and some states you won't see a breakeven point for over 20 years.

check your state energy incentives here: DSIRE: DSIRE Home
Those aren't solar panels. Its solar film. :)

So uh, if I produce more electricity that I use can I set the price at which I sell it back to Com Ed? That'd be sweet. They'd be begging for price freezes, the same ones they have been trying to get rid of the past 15 years.
I'm actually taking a class right now that had a big section on alternative energies and i must say the future is pretty damn promising. My professor for the class spent $30,000 and got his HOG FARM completely independent. He isn't off the grid but his electricity bill is actually a credit when all is said and done. I made hog farm big there because its obviously going to take way more energy to run a hog farm than a normal residence. Being attached to the grid saved money on a huge battery bank as well.

He used mixed solar and wind power about 5 years ago and he expects to break even in another 5 years.

By that math he plans to save $3000 a year on electricity once it is paid for.

His advantage was he built everything and installed it himself but with the way things are getting more efficient i just see this cost coming down.

He is now working on an electric distillery so he can make his own ethanol for his farm equipment. I would say if he accomplishes that he is pretty much entirely energy self sufficient.

This is obviously an extreme case but I don't Think it will be long until prices come down the point where a solar/wind mix at any residence is possible. Add that to a heat pump system and you have yourself a damn cheap house to run.
Nanosolar is going to bring the costs down so much that soon everyone will be able to use solar if they so desire.