what is a humane way to kill a mouse

Stomp on it...I dunno. My wife was struggling with the same thing last week when we caught a mouse in the house. I gave it to my cat. Nature is nature.
a mouse had babies in my moms bathroom once, i think i was 13 or 14. she refused to use the normal traps since they were babies but obviously didn't want them around. so one day she brought home those sticky pad things and set them out, within a day or two 3 of the sticky pads each had their own baby mouse stuck to them. she told me to take them out back behind the fence in the hills scrape them off with a stick and let them free. i'm not a big fan of mice and thought they would just come right back inside the house so i instead put each pad in a plastic bag, set it on the road then ran them over with my bicycle. i remember doing a wheelie on one of them and seeing guts spray inside of the bag and my only thought was 'cool'...looking back now that i'm 23...what the fuck i was a weird kid.
yeah i just dropped a brick onto its head

i think its dead now because his brains are totally coming out of his skull

poor little guy probably thinks im an asshole tho