What in the actual fuck? I can't stop watching Letterkenny

It's funny, I've been watching shows filmed IN Canukistan for years but this is the first one actually ABOUT Canadians.

I kinda like you fuckers, I think we can be buds. :heart:
i held out on this thread b/c i knew it was going 2b dead end derivative normie bullshit, but holy goddamned cow

i have 2 say

i'm srsly disappointed this didn't turn out 2b some sort of 1980s letterman late night on nbc stuff
in fact, i'm going 2 go all the way and do the needful

go to hell 4 making this thread, brontez

letterkenny is shit, even compared with gaylord normie baby boomer hack david letterman
oh ya, u have 2b as sad as those netflix promoted no talent glorified potatoes who made "hardy bucks"