what if kerry taps McCain as a runningmate?

McCain typically stands by what he says unless some decent change occurs to alter his prior stance. He has already stated in several interviews that while he considers himself and Kerry friends he has absolutely no intention of accepting a VP nomination from Kerry, because while he is a friend he doesn't agree with Kerry's politics and it would also be turning traitor to his party.
Are you kidding, his party has already turned traitor to HIM in 2000. They are lucky he's still a Republican.
i think kerry would risk losing dem support if he did grap mccain

there are likely enough liberals to pull for the "anyone but bush" mentality
i'm just waiting for stone to come in and post

"i find it hilarious that the dems are doing so badly that they feel they need to grab a republican to make their ticket worthwhile"
I think Edwards would make a better VP, I just like the McCain idea for it's bipartisan value.

I still think it's funny that over 20 years Kerry changed his mind some and is a waffler, in like 3 years Bush changed his mind tons of times, but he's no waffler, he's a man of character. The type of character who drives drunk, runs businesses into the ground, runs knowingly false ads about his opponents, and does push polling to convince voters his opponent fathered an illegitimate black baby.
which would be hilarious because stone hates mccain and wishes he would just get the fuck out of his beloved partay
sometimes you gotta dig deep, slappy, you know that

it's like faith

you don't think they're just gonna give up believing in god because of some piddly little facts, do you?
GigaFool said:
sometimes you gotta dig deep, slappy, you know that

it's like faith

you don't think they're just gonna give up believing in god because of some piddly little facts, do you?

Hey now, I'm a Christian=P I'm a Democrat though because I believe in the seperation of Church and State, making policy on Religious beliefs is bad.
Poor John Kerry.

1) He's such a disappointing candidate that people are hoping the second half of the ticket will get him elected, and
2) This McCain talk serves only to create unrealistic expectations for Kerry's VP selection. When he finally picks his VP (and it won't be McCain) all of his supporters are going to be disappointed.

That having been said, go Kerry/McCain 2004!
Every time this Kerry/McCain thing comes up, Kerry loses a little bit more of the bounce in the polls that a candidate would normally get when he announces his selection for VP.

And if it were possible, I'd plant bogus stories about Kerry/McCain with the press weekly up until Kerry actually picked his VP. As a "GOP operative" a simple off-the-record quote of "Kerry doesn't scare me but McCain sure does" could fuel the story for days on end. And for all I know, this is already happening...

Go Kerry/McCain 2004!