What has shaped your political leanings in life?

My family wasn't very political.

I voted for Bush, the Iraq war made me hate him.

I voted for Obama, made it worse.

Not in order but in HS I learned that lobbying was essentially legal bribery and that corporations were treated as people so CEO's could do the worst possible decisions and companies would only pay fines like a business expense.

That's when I realized this country was bought and paid for long before I was born. I support trump because I always wanted an outsider to win, someone who didn't walk into the office already owned by the typical people who pay for the elections. And the fact that the media and insiders despise him so much makes me happy.
My family wasn't very political.

I voted for Bush, the Iraq war made me hate him.

I voted for Obama, made it worse.

Not in order but in HS I learned that lobbying was essentially legal bribery and that corporations were treated as people so CEO's could do the worst possible decisions and companies would only pay fines like a business expense.

That's when I realized this country was bought and paid for long before I was born. I support trump because I always wanted an outsider to win, someone who didn't walk into the office already owned by the typical people who pay for the elections. And the fact that the media and insiders despise him so much makes me happy.


u used just a few words to explain such a huge realization and concept

once you realize what you just said there is no going back

you either fight for this (as a serf and supplicant servant) or against this
We are much more similar than I thought Tele. Basically trust know one in politics. Politics aside, I do believe in balance though. I believe all the party concepts have value even though the parties don’t really walk their talk. I believe you do need to be conservative, I believe you do need to socialist (not liberal), I believe that the environment is important, I believe technology is important, and jobs and a strong America. Maybe above all I believe that Liberty is important and the Constitution of the USA.

It’s all important in moderation. Unfortunately our politicians have shit and pissed all over us.
what if i told you that socialism was the gateway drug to communism

that capitalism can't exist with communism so this is how you get to it?

I mean sure communists could create communes within the confines of capitalism, but they don't work.......

Sanders Was Kicked Out Of Commune For Laziness

and if they do it is after realizing that even socialists can't handle actual communism
Constitution... in moderation

see i don't grasp that

and is really why Mr. Jimmy Pop annoys me with some of his comments lately

i know he doesn't mean to do it......I know he is a good dude

but we are playing a game.......called life

we either have rules or we don't

we either agree to those rules or we don't

if you want a free for all........total chaos just tell me

i will stop playing by the old rules and play by those rules

which appears to be where we are headed right now and the moderates are only helping these people reach that goal.

the slippery slope to hell is real folks

we are ridding on it and no amount of pretending to be Dana Perino, OMG I"M SO MODERATE, I LOVE EVERYONE, is going to change that reality

stand for something or you will find yourself with the rug ripped out from under you
u used just a few words to explain such a huge realization and concept

an example to learn from

you don't need massive walls of text that are soooo easy to ignore or turbo posting (like posting 3x times in a row) or posting images you either find, have on hand, or make yourself

just be succinct and don't try to change the minds of people on a forum designed for gamers
We are much more similar than I thought Tele. Basically trust know one in politics. Politics aside, I do believe in balance though. I believe all the party concepts have value even though the parties don’t really walk their talk. I believe you do need to be conservative, I believe you do need to socialist (not liberal), I believe that the environment is important, I believe technology is important, and jobs and a strong America. Maybe above all I believe that Liberty is important and the Constitution of the USA.

It’s all important in moderation. Unfortunately our politicians have shit and pissed all over us.

i wish you would have said liberal......not socialist

classic liberalism

Classical liberalism - Wikipedia

because then i could see where you were coming from

Classical liberalism is a political ideology and a branch of liberalism which advocates civil liberties under the rule of law with an emphasis on economic freedom. Closely related to economic liberalism, it developed in the early 19th century, building on ideas from the previous century as a response to urbanization and to the Industrial Revolution in Europe and the United States.[1][2][3]

because that makes sense to me......isn't oil and water to our Republic
an example to learn from

you don't need massive walls of text that are soooo easy to ignore or turbo posting (like posting 3x times in a row) or posting images you either find, have on hand, or make yourself

just be succinct and don't try to change the minds of people on a forum designed for gamers

fallhawk do you even have an opinion on anything?

that isn't gossip


or about movies i don't care to watch?

i did enjoy your opinion on my opinion that said nothing about my actual opinion
I grew up really poor and was taught to work hard

I'm not really into politics though

it is pretty boring

you know what is more interesting?

matching tatoos

and being really really into yourself and your own self worth on a video game forum designed for......wait for it

video games

you like how I did that?

I hope so it was magic

maybe y u showed up in the first place. u like being cucked into this compromising position.
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Some shit should be absolute. Free speech, freedom to defend yourself, unfuckable property rights, etc. There's no moderation to this shit. It's black and white.

my sentiments exactly

if you only believe in your free speech

your rights

your ability to defend yourself

your individual pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness

u really can't be shocked or surprised when others stop caring about yours and do the same for themselves

and that folks is 100% where we are right now

a new civil rights era where we were equal......all had equal oportunity

but that is no longer what is being demanded. people want equal outcomes and special privilege/exemption/protection status.

let the era of tribalism fueled by identity politics begin and end in the same bad breath


u don't get to do both of these at the same time

this is being called out for exactly what it is and has become


be it on a college campus or on internet
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Shit I wish that was what liberal meant today. I think of liberal meaning liberate my money from me to give to someone else.

there is certainly time to form a collective

a time to unionize

a time to form a Union

i am not against those ideas at all

only when one groups efforts involve undoing or going the opposite of another groups effort do i find it problematic and by definition counter productive

that is where we are at once we do away with our Republic and the US CONSTITUTION imo.......

fight in the streets between orthodoxy, sharia law, and anarchism

Stefan Molyneux received a Youtube strike for his video about white genocide, male suicide rates & the opioid crisis.

This was never about free speech.

Censorship was always about preventing white people from realizing what's happening to them & figuring who out did it.

speaking of bringing all these threads together

this sure is shocking.......:lol:

(no it isn't)

you don't have to care about politics for politics to care about you
No no

Not caring about politics is cool and edgy

Politics is for old angry white men

I'm just gonna watch sports and pour drinks for people. That's life.
As a child I spent a lot of time visiting my grandparents, and weeknight supper was consumed while watching the local and national nightly news. So I saw our misadventures in Vietnam and the whole Watergate tragicomedy and formed a good part of my early worldview and general distrust of politicians from that. Growing up fairly poor then sliding up to middle-class, allowing me to associate with all sorts of folks, gave it a little depth. Traveling and living abroad the bulk of my 20s really broadened it out. I've lived rich and poor, in my own home and in a car, in America and in countries where loyalty to party meant very specific things. I've been to palaces and concentration camps and drank wine with billionaires and bums. Year after year looking for a hero but ending up trying to glean which is the lesser of two evils has left me the (cynical) moderate I am. Registered NPA from day one, by the way. Be well, y'all.
an example to learn from

you don't need massive walls of text that are soooo easy to ignore or turbo posting (like posting 3x times in a row) or posting images you either find, have on hand, or make yourself

just be succinct and don't try to change the minds of people on a forum designed for gamers

and do you still agree that trump is an outsider?
Center right parents

Growing up in a rural small town. Nobody expected anything of the govt except maintain roads, police, volunteer fire dept, pick up the trash, and schools.

You worked and took care of yourself and your family.

I don't really like either party or Trump.

Democrats are big govt and identity politics. Obama was a horrible president for dividing the country.

Republicans are big business.

Trump is an ridiculously self centered, but I generally like his politics.