What does "blue" rep mean again?

tha the person has neg rep so there rep do not count

most likely from rev night absent or bitchdubai etc.
The fact that absent is in +ve territory tells you everything you need to know about rep and the fuckwits that give it out.

it's interesting you would interpret the situation as this

as opposed to considering just how terrible of a poster you must be if EVEN absent et al. have positive rep, yet you don't
blue rep is "neutral" rep

it's neither negative or positive

it's the sign of an emasculated poster

absent has a shitload of rep so he doesn't send blue

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arsin gave me neutral rep for one of my comments with the caption "stupid fuk" then proceeded to literally say the same exact thing he tried to neg me for

i really only felt shitty because i felt the same way that arsin did about something