what bands do you listen to that you like every single song?

Evil Light Bulb said:
you guys really like everything on the new APC cd?

and Zep sucks?
It might not be their best album but I still love it because of Maynard's voice. On a side note, yes, Zeppelin sucks
Spartacus said:
It might not be their best album but I still love it because of Maynard's voice. On a side note, yes, Zeppelin sucks

If by "It might not be their best album" you mean "Sure, it might be a steaming pile of shit" and by "yes, Zeppelin sucks" you mean "Thank god Zeppelin paved the way for bands like APC to put out shitty fucking cover cd's"

Than yes. I'm with you on that.
Killswitch Engage
Red Hot Chili Peppers
All That Remains

meh, most of the stuff ill listen to them all if im doing something like homework or browsing the interweb
[THE]Perrin said:
If by "It might not be their best album" you mean "Sure, it might be a steaming pile of shit" and by "yes, Zeppelin sucks" you mean "Thank god Zeppelin paved the way for bands like APC to put out shitty fucking cover cd's"

Than yes. I'm with you on that.
Guess you're not with me on that then :shrug:
evolvo said:

same here...

i don't know how the fuck you could possibly like EVERY single song from ANY band. it's fuckin impossible. there isn't even a single CD where i like every single track!
Unlike contemporary bands of the last 15-20 years, there were once bands that *gasp* put forth effort to make complete albums. I realize that is an alien concept to many these days.

Oh, and I forgot, add the Beatles to the list.
The Postal Service
The Decemberists
And the Neutral milk hotel cd : In the Aeroplane over the sea (havent heard their older one).
ben folds

edit : perrin, you hear about the new decemberists album? it was leaked. and it is awesome.

oh and :wave:
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Bob Marley
A Perfect Circle
Face to Face
George Strait
Social D
Me First and the Gimme Gimmes

A few that I can listen to and love every second of it.
sublimezg said:
Bob Marley
A Perfect Circle
Face to Face
George Strait
Social D
Me First and the Gimme Gimmes

A few that I can listen to and love every second of it.
... George Strait?