what bands do you listen to that you like every single song?

telos said:
Any band that can't put together an album that i like in its entirety will not have a cd in my collection for very long. The sign of a truly good band is their ability to put together albums not just release singles.

The formats first full length (interventions and lullibyes) tells a great story as a whole album.

Bob dylan has quite a few great albums.

yellow card definitly managed it with ocean ave.

blink 182 did it with enema of the state but i wouldn't consider their music to be of an amasingly high quality or anything.

ATM could use some touching up since they are basically a garage band but both of their albums(the third one doesn't count) are very differnt from eachother but all the songs on them form whole albums. The most recent one right before they broke up that album was just a ploy to get a few extra bucks from their fans before the split.

johnny cash did it repeatidly.

Metalica has made several great albums.

I'd Could keep going but i won't.

My point is that even if one song on an album isn't very good but it fits in to the cd well and makes the cd into an album the song itself becomes good. If your the type of person that listens to full albums that is.

my $.02
oh definatly, albums are far more indicative of a bands skill than a single song. The concept album rules all and a song is merely one chapter of a work.
Mr.Beverage said:
I would say Nine Inch Nails but all of the remixes suck
You didn't like Further Down the Spiral, or Trent's The Perfect Drug remix?

Mr.Beverage said:
everything by nine inch nails is good (except pinion ;] )
Pinion is short enough to be ignored as an intro. :)
Scenes From a Memory - Dream Theater
AC/DC alot of their albums
Rage against the Machine - 1st album
Queen alot of their albums
Styx alot of their albums
Kings X alot of their albums
Metallica alot of their OLD albums
Frank Sinatra almost any albums but so many "best of's" out now
Eagles alot of their albums
A hardly heard of band that has a GREAT album is "Cry of Love - Brother"
tdshiv said:
relienk k

Matt Teason or however you spell it... is a very good song writer... good choice. Their christmas album that came with "2 lefts don't make a right, but 3 do" was brilliant.

only "The Anatomy of the Tongue in Cheek" is an album where EVERY song is good though.
Alvarez said:
Matt Teason or however you spell it... is a very good song writer... good choice. Their christmas album that came with "2 lefts don't make a right, but 3 do" was brilliant.

only "The Anatomy of the Tongue in Cheek" is an album where EVERY song is good though.



My lil bro gave me that cd for christmas... Good catchy tunes.

Smashing pumpkins did it for me
skip said:

every song is fucking amazing.

hell yeh man, dispatch is sweet too they are similar, every song is great

The rest of my list:

Thousand Foot Krutch
Third Eye Blind
State Radio
Unwritten Law

All definatly worth checking out if you havent herd of them before
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I don't think there's a single band/group/whatever I listen to that I like every single song. Everyone puts out a few crappy songs.