We’re old

Where have you been Ender? Off hiding in the ganglion of the internet just waiting for the board to have a slight dip in it's immune level so that you could leap out and manifest?
And in the end the love you take, is equal to the love you make
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Ender is Triple.
I view life as three 25 year segments. Meaning, there's 0-25, 25-50, 50-75, and when you make it to 80 that's when dementia or cancer hits.

When you reach 70, it's time to downsize and move close to children, because they will have to take care of you. Once you hit 80, it's assisted living facility, which is like a hotel for old people. Except the facility doesn't have a pool, but they feed 3 meals a day and have some activities. Still a very boring place to be.

I'm 54 and all I'm thinking about these days is the end, because both my parents are in a facility.