Prayer to Open 117th Congress Ends with Amen and Awoman

Amen is an Abrahamic declaration of affirmation first found in the Hebrew Bible, and subsequently in the New Testament. It is used in Jewish, Christian and Islamic worship, as a concluding word, or as a response to a prayer. Common English translations of the word amen include "verily", "truly", and "so be it". It is also used colloquially, to express strong agreement.

NO it doesn't have anything to do with Men? WTF Do you leftards have to be more than completely insane?
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can u imagine being too stupid to even understand marvel movies

ha ha yeah or a series for HBO can u imagine

Giuliani told The Hill that he was referring to a trial that happened in Game Of Thrones – specifically citing Peter Dinklage’s Tyrion Lannister.

“I was referring to the kind of trial that took place for Tyrion in that very famous documentary about fictitious medieval England,” Giuliani clarified for the politics publication. “When Tyrion, who is a very small man, is accused of murder. He didn’t commit murder, he can’t defend himself, and he hires a champion to defend him.”
if u thot americans were obese back when glare beat u down in vegas, u gotta get a load of this new generation coming up

it's all flatso 20-something dumpy broads w/ that sallow nerdy skin and hi-waist diaper pants that highlight rather than hide the rotundity of their gut

they celebrate granny panties

mitch, u gotta declare jihad on american fatties
Looks like I might be moving in the very near future.

#TEXIT: Texas Rep. Introduces Bill That Would Let Residents Vote on Seceding From the US
Texas State Representative Kyle Biedermann introduced a bill on Tuesday that would allow Texans to vote on seceding from the United States.
House Bill 1359, otherwise known as the Texas Independence Referendum Act, would let residents vote on if the Texas Legislature should create a joint interim committee to create a plan for independence for the state.

In a press release provided to The Gateway Pundit, the Texas Nationalist Movement explained that “the bill would give Texans an opportunity to head to the polls in November of 2021 and start the process of reasserting our status as an independent nation. If the people vote in favor, the bill provides for the establishment of a committee to begin working on a transitional plan which would address all of the issues related to decoupling from the federal government.”