Not sure which thread to put this in? raff/roose or here...



They could actually make it a reasonable and fair critique of sexism in gaming and be accurate with the team of misfit girls losing every match. They won't, but they could.
Should be a series. season 1 they lose most all games except start to get better at the very end and make some type of win that's meaningful season 2 they get even better win a collegiate event season 3 junior year Kick-Asses stop nearly everybody more personal drama revealed season 4 professionals come to head hunt and tear the team apart they hang together and make the big bucks as professionals together.
if they wanted it to be real what they would do is make the female team camwhore it up with asmr and destroy whatever platform the egamers were using to stream.
tbh i'm sticking w/ the jew overlords (trump) over the chinese overlords (biden)

but i kno ur a chink so u do u, mr. ccp internet agent
I've been trolling american cuckservatives about immigration for years. They've always defaulted to "legal immigration" being good, despite all those immigrants being largely anti 2A and voting for Democrats.
Dudes deal with it
Ain't either side going to stop giving money to Israel
and that's a good thing