Welcome to our newest member, badbitch09

begging me in pm not to show the images he already sent me through a public host in which he already tried to have taken down

too bad i'm super clever and saved them baby bew style

ur goin down scott
Hey what's going on in here?

First things first, this is Dweezle, not the crazy one who knows Tehvul. I'm Scott, Slushiez aka Amanda's ex. Amanda, I don't know what the fuck you're hung up about when it comes to me but it's really time to get over it. There is a reason that I've cut you out of my life. You are poison. I thought the fact that I told you I didn't want anything to with you would have been a big enough hint. Or maybe when I didn't reply to either of the texts you sent me over the holidays would have better gotten the message across.

I don't give a shit about you and Xcursion's pissing contest. You two are equal losers, congratulations. For the record I haven't told him anything about you because like I've said before I want nothing to do with you. You don't matter enough to me for me even give him ammunition against you. So the only other option is someone else is giving him information or he's just stalked the shit out of you.

edit: I just had to finally say something. I'm not going to bother posting back to anything said by anyone. I'm fucking done.

I just want to be left out of all of this bullshit. I've done nothing to you so I don't know why you feel like you have to attack me. I know the only way for you to make yourself happy is to attack people who actually enjoy their lives. So please stop thinking about me. By all means keep getting in e-fights with people just keep me the fuck out of them.

Aw........ now you went and done it!

first of all...."Drizzle Dweezle":zzz:
I'mma gonna go ez on yew.

1. I am not crazy.( though I should be with all the "pressures" on me.)
2. Tehvul is my real life male offspring. ......HE receives SSI checks
..." let's say he has his own reality". he takes "mood medication"
3. Hell, you're only 24 yrs. old.....jes a wee babe.
It's all up here boy. mind over matter, if you don't mind it don't matter.
4. generally, things turn out the way they should.
5 I know it's hard for the CUNTS to believe....It's alllll their fault!
Males are nuttin but babies...we need that "tittie .
they should lick the sweat off our balls and be glad for the privilege
6. you see, the majority of women expect "us" to pull the wagon with them in it too!
7. she had expectations, belittled you and yet she benefited fro your mommy and daddy's $$$$$$
8. You're still growing up.....you got plenty of time,
"don't sweat the petty stuff, pet the sweaty stuff"
9.as to your "fighting with that girl" Plants need water....don't water it!
10. love the one you're with.
11.let it go, and be glad you have someone else that won't hit you.:clap::heart:
now chill out and be happy!.....you hear?

Fooked ep Dweasel ...hatte gespracht!

anna dats eat!
I dedicate this song to.....
"Great Scott"....& ......."Demanding Amanda"

"Chickenhead".....Three 6 Mafia!