we haven't had a good flame thread in awhile, so here it goes. (TW DRAMA)

has to be a registered charitable organization for you to get a tax break. A lot of places accepting donations are not tax deductable.
El Smack said:
I think this could actually turn into an problem. Col asked for donations for a server, but instead got a laptop, and now there's an issue as to the plane tickets. I'm not legal type professional, but in theory, couldn't all of us who donated for this "cause" file a fraud suit? Also, shouldn't there be some sort of tax write off?

:rofl: Did you completely ignore everything I've said? Did we still get a server? I covered then plane ticket thing already.

As for fraud, you were never promised anything. I could have taken the money and run to mexico with it, instead I bought a server that is double anything we currently have to make this site faster and more enjoyable for everyone.

Read the rest of thread before responding.
I guess people have already forgotten the multiple threads and hundreds of lines in IRC asking/demanding HTS be taken off the air. :shrug:
wtf did this become bangme, past 2 threads I've seen have been requests for boobs pix.. oh wait, it was the herbz both times, n/m
only reason i've never donated

as much as i would like to give to tribalwar, i don't want to give to colosus
GreyGhost said:
I guess people have already forgotten the multiple threads and hundreds of lines in IRC asking/demanding HTS be taken off the air. :shrug:

And I am simply demanding her shirt be taken off.
I think Col should mend hurt feelings by posting a video of his impression of Chunk doing the Truffle Shuffle.

wakka wakka
I'm about to cancel UVaLAN 6 for fear that we may be sued for maKing money.

I would encourage Colosus to close up shop as well.

God forbid anyone should use the money we get from the Tribes community to better ourselves after countless hours of work we put in. I guess it's only fair that only Sierra/Vivendi make the money from the players who buy the game. Why should anyone profit from keeping the game alive and the community together.

So fuck everyone who wants to criticize Colosus. I refuse to be pulled into this bullshit. Let's just all forget UVaLAN 6. There's just way too much potential for me to profit from a year's worth of planning and the financial entanglements that make it work. It's the only reasonable thing to say.
For your donations to be considered a tax writeoff, you would have had to donate to a non-profit organization and further would have had to get a reciept as proof that a donation was given (atleast I think you do). As for Colosus committing fraud....what a load of crap...

(1) It was clear that all money given was to be as a donation....he is not providing goods....he is providing services, but that service continues and was also improved by way of those donations.

(2) Even if he had gotten up and said "screw all you guys, I'm taking the money and running", the fact that it was given as a donation excuses him from any legal obligation to provide anything. Just because you donate doesn't mean you get any say on how that money is used. Had you purchased a service, then you would have a gripe and also a legal foundation to pursue it. But geez, it was a donation....and further its not like he ran with the money. He did with the money what he thought was good for TW....so if you think you have any right to tell Colosus what to do with the money that was GIVEN to him....which then makes it his.....go sit on a stick and spin cuz ur an idiot.

I forgot to mention that the services he provides are not purchased, they are freely given...
i didn't read the whole thread, but the the half of it or so i read didn't seem to be too full of people hating... :shrug:

could be wrong, who knows

colosus deserves any extra monies for his time anyways - especially since it's a relatively low number
Cheater I will be waiting out back for you....I will deserve to be compensated for an hour of stalking and then robbing you silly. :)
cheater I don't think anyone is really mad that he got to spend money on something that he can use personally, I think its just that it wasn't mentioned.

He realizes it was a mistake.