Water Main Breaking + Overnight Street Parking = Funny Pics

lol sandpaper hahahah. For those of you on digg who might not know this it's a long running joke on tribalwar. You see this guy scratched his monitor and used extremely high grade sandpaper to buffer it out.

This happened a good 3 years ago and ever since in any advice thread someone says sandpaper and it gets pages of LOL's because it's really funny. Almost as funny as posting an ORLY owl haha i love those owls!!!!
When I saw a Tribalwar forum post linked on Digg I felt somehow dirty inside. Like I was watching from afar as an old man showed his dingding to a kindergarten class.
edit: shitty edit. This wasn't meant to be here. I was trying to post in another thread. Move along.
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Anyone notice how some posters personalities on this thread are different in this thread?

Man, I wonder if any of them are bothering to read the whole thread.

Ah crap... I wonder WTF this is doing to my bandwidth. "The Spice Must Flow"
lol sandpaper hahahah. For those of you on digg who might not know this it's a long running joke on tribalwar. You see this guy scratched his monitor and used extremely high grade sandpaper to buffer it out.

This happened a good 3 years ago and ever since in any advice thread someone says sandpaper and it gets pages of LOL's because it's really funny. Almost as funny as posting an ORLY owl haha i love those owls!!!!

wow shut the fuck up nigger.
At least cleaning up the water inside may be easy....that is if you can get inside your car before it all melts.
wow shut the fuck up nigger.

while i'm at it let me explain this post:

One time on this forum (tribalwar) some people thought "ROFLMAO lets make racist comments!$!$". So these hilarious original negros were like haha omg I don't like your post/thread "nigger" hahahahaah.

Well after this all sorts of people were like haha lets call peeps niggers that will be so edgy. While i'm hear let me also talk about edgy. some people thought hahaha the thought of someone saying something so out of the ordinary that it's ridiculous is hilaruios aka edgy so people started saying haha i'm being edgy by saying something i don't mean but OMG it's out there hahah omg i'm funny.

point is uno is really cool so give him some props he's edgy, nigger, and totally omg.