Warrior Talent Question

PessimiStick said:
Crits are 200% damage, not 150%, and they are 220% on special attacks if you have Impale.

That said, Sword Spec is still superior to axe spec.

Care to scrounge up some combat logs proving that? I was paying close attention to combat logs the past couple of weeks, especially when fighting from lvl 25 - 35 and "normal" crits are roughly 150% of what you would normally deal.

This of course exempts skills/talents/buffs/procs that directly increase crit damage. Which is probably why you assume it's 200%, if you are 55+ you probably have talents/gear that gives you greater crit damage so you probably just think that's normal.
Feannag said:
Care to scrounge up some combat logs proving that? I was paying close attention to combat logs the past couple of weeks, especially when fighting from lvl 25 - 35 and "normal" crits are roughly 150% of what you would normally deal.

This of course exempts skills/talents/buffs/procs that directly increase crit damage. Which is probably why you assume it's 200%, if you are 55+ you probably have talents/gear that gives you greater crit damage so you probably just think that's normal.
Uh.... there's not a single piece of gear in the game that gives +crit damage, and melee crits are, and always have been (since beta even) 200% damage.

Hell, roll a level 1 char and go attack some shit, it's readily apparent.
Ben Reed said:
Imp Hamstring doesn't proc nearly often enough, but when it does, the proc is also a saving grace against melee who are wearing you down, because you get a precious few seconds to run out of melee range and bandage for a clutch heal. This is only really remarkable for 1v1, of course.

Addendum: It's also kinda useful for a clutch stop on people who would otherwise help bum-rush a flag in AB (run by, Imp Hamstring procs, keep running to the flag to fear bomb/chop away/whatever) and leave them as easy pickings for rogues, but again, the proc is so rare that it hardly matters that much.

Still, I'm too lazy and broke to re-spec out of it.
meh, i use zin'rok/spinal reaper (zin'rok for most of a battle, then switch to spinal reaper for executes) so lack of rage isn't usually as big an issue with me as it is with most other warriors.

the reason i am trying booming voice is actually just to test the duration of battle shout. since it lasts 3 minutes i don't have to eat up the rage to refresh it as often. i actually do find this to be useful in ab/av. more useful than the extra rage/damage of other talents?...i don't know. like i said, i'm just testing it.

i am leaning towards pulling points out of booming voice and dropping them into 5/5 imp battle shout, and 5/5 enrage.
kyuss said:
meh, i use zin'rok/spinal reaper (zin'rok for most of a battle, then switch to spinal reaper for executes) so lack of rage isn't usually as big an issue with me as it is with most other warriors.

the reason i am trying booming voice is actually just to test the duration of battle shout. since it lasts 3 minutes i don't have to eat up the rage to refresh it as often. i actually do find this to be useful in ab/av. more useful than the extra rage/damage of other talents?...i don't know. like i said, i'm just testing it.

i am leaning towards pulling points out of booming voice and dropping them into 5/5 imp battle shout, and 5/5 enrage.

I really like the extra rage from UW, since it also work with my weapon "on hit" effect.
Coylter said:
Get 5/5 enrage and 5/5 Unbrided wrath, booming voice is stupid and improved execute is even more.

if you think imp execute is stupid something is wrong with you or you have never tried it.

i have 2 60 warriors now (1 ms and 1 fury) both have it because of how good it really is. from all my time fighting, i always have at least 10 rage to execute but not always 15.

my ms warrior that i no longer play is

my fury warrior is
Coylter said:
I really like the extra rage from UW, since it also work with my weapon "on hit" effect.

according to some threads on the warrior forum, its being nerfed in 1.9 to white attacks only.
Nehi said:
if you think imp execute is stupid something is wrong with you or you have never tried it.

i have 2 60 warriors now (1 ms and 1 fury) both have it because of how good it really is. from all my time fighting, i always have at least 10 rage to execute but not always 15.

my ms warrior that i no longer play is

my fury warrior is

Yea because its that much better than enrage.... :worried:

Nehi said:
according to some threads on the warrior forum, its being nerfed in 1.9 to white attacks only.

WTF more nerf ><
kyuss said:
meh, i use zin'rok/spinal reaper (zin'rok for most of a battle, then switch to spinal reaper for executes) so lack of rage isn't usually as big an issue with me as it is with most other warriors.

the reason i am trying booming voice is actually just to test the duration of battle shout. since it lasts 3 minutes i don't have to eat up the rage to refresh it as often. i actually do find this to be useful in ab/av. more useful than the extra rage/damage of other talents?...i don't know. like i said, i'm just testing it.

i am leaning towards pulling points out of booming voice and dropping them into 5/5 imp battle shout, and 5/5 enrage.
why would you swap weapons for executes