war for oil

No, its not.
Do I believe there is a pre-existing plan that transcends elections and, in fact, only uses them as a smoke screen? Yes. Do I think that no matter who wins an election, the end result is virtually the same and things will go exactly who they are meant to? Yes. Do I think an overwhelming percentage of the people in power are crooked and care only for the fatness of their wallets, and how they can manage it in the short time of their term? Yes.

People are inherently greedy and most will immorally exploit things without batting an eye to get ahead. Most every person also becomes drunk with power when given too much and so much to use it on. Am I stupid enough to think that our government is somehow filled with the only people who don't fit this scheme? No.

The only thing that amazes me more than how people do nothing to educate themselves about anything that directly effect their lives is that people treat politicians like they are incapable of all the negative things that us "average citizens" are capable of. It's ridiculous.
Everyone stays oblivious, and because of that I will see my self in the chains of socialism before I die because the crooked government has finally managed to steal everything from the people that they would use to jam the gears of the machine.

chains of socialism? government stealing gear-jamming tools? can you elaborate a bit on these?
i want to hear more about this blood for oil... I may be willing to donate a pint if I can fill my tank for free
chains of socialism? government stealing gear-jamming tools? can you elaborate a bit on these?
Raising taxes to ridiculous levels (don't be fooled into thinking this is Obama exclusive, how do you think McCain could ever sustain a 100 year war while giving us everything else we need as a country), penalizing the wealthy for being successful by taxing them into a lower class, entertaining the idea of socializing medicine (which doesn't create poor health care like some people like to argue. the actual problem is that you never hear of incredible medical breakthroughs, or a successful new bypass procedure that saved a man's life in Canada. Nowhere in the world to they advance in medicine like we do, and we risk losing that). I could go on.

And as for the metaphor that you are trying to flip around and use against me, i am, of course, speaking of the dumbing down of America. We used to have Head Start, now we have no child left behind, which is a system designed to hold everyone back from their maximum potential so the most retarded among us aren't discernible from the rest. The news media, under the encouragement of our government, lies to us, tells us half truths, gives us information out of context, and berates us with propaganda. The talking heads are the window to the country and the world, and they are all in the pocket of crooked men, who have their hands so deep in the pockets of politicians it's disgusting. It's become public knowledge, and is well known throughout, that politicians take bribes and gifts from lobbyists that work not for the people but for someone who wants as much money as they can get their hands on because it is power. And no one does anything.

A collaboration of the informative forces and the decision-making powers has taken advantage of the people in this country, and they will get everything they desire.
Raising taxes to ridiculous levels (don't be fooled into thinking this is Obama exclusive, how do you think McCain could ever sustain a 100 year war while giving us everything else we need as a country), penalizing the wealthy for being successful by taxing them into a lower class, entertaining the idea of socializing medicine (which doesn't create poor health care like some people like to argue. the actual problem is that you never hear of incredible medical breakthroughs, or a successful new bypass procedure that saved a man's life in Canada. Nowhere in the world to they advance in medicine like we do, and we risk losing that). I could go on.

And as for the metaphor that you are trying to flip around and use against me, i am, of course, speaking of the dumbing down of America. We used to have Head Start, now we have no child left behind, which is a system designed to hold everyone back from their maximum potential so the most retarded among us aren't discernible from the rest. The news media, under the encouragement of our government, lies to us, tells us half truths, gives us information out of context, and berates us with propaganda. The talking heads are the window to the country and the world, and they are all in the pocket of crooked men, who have their hands so deep in the pockets of politicians it's disgusting. It's become public knowledge, and is well known throughout, that politicians take bribes and gifts from lobbyists that work not for the people but for someone who wants as much money as they can get their hands on because it is power. And no one does anything.

A collaboration of the informative forces and the decisions-making powers has taken advantage of the people in this country, and they will get everything they desire.

:rolleyes: Yes... people taking advantage of power is a new thing to this country.... 100 years ago we didnt have this issue, politicians were saints.
:rolleyes: Yes... people taking advantage of power is a new thing to this country.... 100 years ago we didnt have this issue, politicians were saints.
You're putting words in my fingers.

I'm living now, not then. Statements like the ones you've made are bullshit. You need only look at the history you are referencing to see how this is so much different, even under similar circumstances. The biggest difference here is that media is much more powerful now than it ever was. There are 3 Gods to Americans, and none of them are the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. They are Money, Oil, and Media. News anchors, radio personalities, celebrities are all gods to us, yet these are people who went to the same schools as us. They got the same GPA's studying the same material (barring actors as some didn't even go to high school), they just went into a different line of work than us.

The tube and the internet have power over us that can never be equaled. The internet, which is nearing the influence level of television, is being successfully stifled. The most popular websites are immediately bought by media corporations and used, just like TV, as a filter for implanting the ideals of an agenda in our heads(remember the MySpace "glitch" that deleted bulletins posted about Ron Paul? what an amazing coincidence that the glitch would only affect threads about Ron Paul).

For instance, this war is on par with Vietnam. If I need to point out the differences between the nations attitude and action then and now, we shouldn't even be talking.
ah, now this thread makes sense


ps, if you think the country is corrupt now - you should really learn about the Gilded Age or generally just the period between 1870 and 1910 or so.
ah, now this thread makes sense


ps, if you think the country is corrupt now - you should really learn about the Gilded Age or generally just the period between 1870 and 1910 or so.
Hehe. This was actually one of my favorite periods of study. It's more or less the same types of corruption on a larger and more refined scale that exist today. Some of them have had their definitions changed a bit to accommodate size of the population and it's rapid rate of growth, but they are primarily the same.