Wanted: Naptowns name/address

So this woman goes to the grocery store every friday, And when she goes one of the employee's always comes up to her and comments "Wow your hair smells really good".

After a while of this the woman gets pissed off and goes to the manager, claiming the employee was sexually harrasing her. "What does he say?", the manager asked. "He says my hair smells really good."
"Well thats not really sexually harrasing"
"Its Juavier, the dwarf!"
its a good title isnt it fonzie

and now it's going to become obsolete :(

allegedly, naptown called alf's mom a whore and also he was going to knife her with his knife dick

thats whats up

but the phone# was available to everyone in the Auir Seas

so who knows what actually happened
the fuck is auir seas
and say you had his name and address, what would you go? go cross country and yell at him for a prank call?
<alfredneuman> and im going to beat a lesson into you

<alfredneuman> im debating if tossing everything away to torture you is worth it.

rayn, i figured, phonetically, auir seas sounds like IRC

and auir seas sounds more exotic and or piratey
<alfredneuman> see you soon nap. see you soon.
-!- alfredneuman [dex@twar-ee4bbb51.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Quit: ]

[4:17] <Strega|Wk> sorry I was away working
[4:17] <Strega|Wk> can I get some cliff's notes on the last hour please?
[4:17] * StorkSooFly has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 241 seconds)
[4:17] <Goshin> strega
[4:17] <Goshin> allegedly
[4:17] <bam|work> naptown called alf's mom
[4:17] <RS^AlMuktar> simple
[4:17] <Goshin> nap called alfs mom
[4:17] <arcadus> allegedly, naptown called alfs mom
[4:17] <Goshin> and called alf gay
[4:17] <bam|work> alf freaked out
[4:17] <Goshin> and now alf is nuts
[4:17] <RS^AlMuktar> alfs mom got a mis-dial
[4:17] <RS^AlMuktar> and alf is goin nuts
[4:17] <Goshin> lol
[4:17] <arcadus> there you go 6 different stories
[4:17] <Goshin> i like all our recaps
[4:17] <naptown> alleged-gate