USA winning the World Cup

............a country that will have more citizens watching america has talent than the world cup

This says more about Americuhhhh than all 1000 pages of your idiotically gay "patriotic pictures". Fortunately we'll only have to put up with your shit for 3 games. Then you can fuck off back home and play your own dumbass sports.

Americuhhhh........the only nation that could ever invent a game that would pay a stupid fat fuck millions of dollars for never once touching the ball in an entire season. Fuck Yeah Americunts.
You suck at trolling bitchdubai. Interesting though we can be competitive in all those sports at the same time? Have another Heineken loser.
This says more about Americuhhhh than all 1000 pages of your idiotically gay "patriotic pictures". Fortunately we'll only have to put up with your shit for 3 games. Then you can fuck off back home and play your own dumbass sports.

Americuhhhh........the only nation that could ever invent a game that would pay a stupid fat fuck millions of dollars for never once touching the ball in an entire season. Fuck Yeah Americunts.


the only nation that could not actually contribute anything at all to the world, and in fact leaves the world poorer.

the only nation that could not actually contribute anything at all to the world, and in fact leaves the world poorer.

Dubai...............not actually a nation. Thanks for your effort, line up on the left with the other ignorant retards. Thanks for shattering the stereotype not very much.
You suck at trolling bitchdubai. Interesting though we can be competitive in all those sports at the same time? Have another Heineken loser.

You have 300 million people. Sporting success, measured on a per capita basis, in sports that are genuinely played all over the world, you suck shit. You're better than India though to be fair.
Americans can say soccer is a gay sport but they sure are adopting the hell out of it. More kids play soccer in the USA than any other sport apparently.

So, while you may think it's gay, your kids will grow up loving it :)

(The MLS is still fairly crappy though)
did you know that Don Frye once cloned and propagated an entire island with Velociraptors in the late 90s, before driving them to extinction again in MMA practice fights?
If the US somehow manages to beat England, I'm going to rack up a $300 phone bill calling every brit I know and laughing at them hysterically until they hang up on me.
If the US somehow manages to beat England, I'm going to rack up a $300 phone bill calling every brit I know and laughing at them hysterically until they hang up on me.

Congrats, you now have $300 that will be unspent and you can waste on something far less useful.
Congrats, you now have $300 that will be unspent and you can waste on something far less useful.

Less useful than mocking pasty foreigners on the telephone? I'm not even sure that's possible.

Thankfully it's a moot point, because the US is winning that match. We have a clear advantage, being so close to Central America and benefiting from exposure to their superior futbol style.
Less useful than mocking pasty foreigners on the telephone? I'm not even sure that's possible.

Thankfully it's a moot point, because the US is winning that match. We have a clear advantage, being so close to Central America and benefiting from exposure to their superior futbol style.

I don't think either you or I truly believes that you believe that shit. I would give you my number so you can mock me too, but i'm not pasty enough. And also because you won't be needing it. Or any of the other numbers.