[USA] The Kyle Rittenhouse Trial Has Begun

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His grandmother surely called Kyle and thanked him for wrecking her grandson's arm so he can't punch her in the face anymore
in order to be fair

we have to make a minority of everyone else in less populated States so we can be unfair to them

because mob rule is fair in a republic


I am glad I finally got to hear the kid tell his side. He comes across as a standup young man. A real bummer that some cities in America have been paid off to let this type of shit happen. Hope it ends soon.
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I never said it doesn't work. I said it's not fair. It works just as it is supposed to: it ensures that a vote from someone in a sparsely populated state is worth more than a vote from someone in a heavily populated state. It works, it's just a biased way to run an election.
It's almost as if they knew large cities are shitholes and would dominate everyone else because pure democracies are garbage?

I never said it doesn't work. I said it's not fair. It works just as it is supposed to: it ensures that a vote from someone in a sparsely populated state is worth more than a vote from someone in a heavily populated state. It works, it's just a biased way to run an election.

It's not fair New York city and Los Angles county can't speak for the entire country.
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City people are completely out of touch with country living the same way that country people are out of touch with city living. I think the country people win that one.
because you know you'd never have a chance if it weren't for caucasian affirmative action aka gerry mandering


Maryland Democrats target lone Republican in redistricting scheme | TheHill

Maryland Democrats are considering a radical overhaul of congressional district lines that would give them a chance to win all eight of the state’s seats in the U.S. House of Representatives, putting the lone Republican representative at risk.

Two of the four draft maps released by the General Assembly’s Legislative Redistricting Advisory Commission spell trouble for Rep. Andy Harris (R), who represents a district that covers the Eastern Shore.

Those proposals would add hundreds of thousands of voters from Anne Arundel County, home of Annapolis, in with voters from the less populous counties on the Eastern Shore. The two halves of the district would be connected only by the Bay Bridge, the four-mile span that crosses the Chesapeake.
I never said it doesn't work. I said it's not fair. It works just as it is supposed to: it ensures that a vote from someone in a sparsely populated state is worth more than a vote from someone in a heavily populated state. It works, it's just a biased way to run an election.

I think it is working just fine. The coasts are coming back to sanity. Thank rural America for holding the fort while cali and ny lost their minds

Voters waking up to radical California crime laws in wake of Bay Area looting

“As a Democrat, I believe in criminal justice reform. There are inequities in our system where we need to create a justice system for all. However, we have gone too far,” said California Sen. Melissa Hurtado, a Democrat. “The state of California has been doing it wrong. It needs to change.”

“The people who promoted this, they ran an absolutely deceptive campaign. Now, we are paying the price,” said Sen. Jim Nielsen, a Republican. “This invited the very behavior that we now see. Criminals have now perfected this imperfect law to exploit the victims — which includes all of us.”
yo how's this 1

rittenhouse should have the option of having dirty sex whenever he wants w/ any of the media laydees who've denigrated him

there gotta b sum local news hotties mixed in w/ the view and msnbc hags u kno

let's help kyle score

I am glad I finally got to hear the kid tell his side. He comes across as a standup young man. A real bummer that some cities in America have been paid off to let this type of shit happen. Hope it ends soon.

OK Brasstits. I watched all 17 minutes of that, and I don't do this very often so make the most of it.

I was wrong.
im just stunned that he was wrong, because he almost sold me on his point of view and i was this close { } to labeling kyle a white supremacist