Ur scariest car experience


Veteran XV
Whats your scariest/ car experience?

1/2 hour ago i was driving down my street goin 40mph while the speed limit is 35mph as usual. I see slow oncoming cars so i slow up to about 35mph, just tappin the brakes. When I'm about 20 yards away from oncoming car, i see deer and i jam on my brakes. A deer comes running across the street and jumps into my car. I was going about 10mph and its hooves made it into my car and hit me in the chin and shoulder. They didnt hit me that hard though. So i kinda threw it off of myself as a natural reaction and it ran away. Luckily it only broke my side mirror and bent my antenna with a few light scratches across the side. I fucking hate deer.

Driving speed limit
See Deer, jam brakes
Deer jumps in car and hits me with its hooves
Breaks mirror and antenna + few scratches
I knew a kid who got his license and his parents bought him a Firebird, he hit a deer going 100+ mph

good times
i was driving my dad and myself home from school one day (he taught at my old HS) since his car was in the shop. we came to a lefthand turn onto a one way street on one of the busier streets downtown in our city. our light turned green, and had been for a couple of seconds when i started to pull forward.. my dad then just said "WHOOA SHIT" so i slammed on the brakes, just in case... at that time an old 80s suburban flew past us at a goot 40 mph.
he had run the light (really badly too) and was going 10mph over the limit.

at the time i drove a K5 Blazer, the suburbans little brother as it were.. so with all that metal around me i probably would have survived but my dad would surely have been smashed.

also when i went away to college and drove home now and then on the weekends, it was a 4 lane highway right as i was leaving my college town.. one day there were semis lined all the way across in front of me.. a car decided to cut off one of the semis and they all proceeded to jerk to the left and sideswipe one another... seeing as how i was directly behind one of them i though the resulting slamming of breaks or possible overturning of a trailer would surely cause me to wreck.. luckily all of the semi drivers held it together, and calmly pulled to the side of the road to assess their damage.
My 'scariest' car moment was when I was traveling about 70mph down I-285 (a five-lane highway with a concrete divider). I had just pulled into the inside lane when the truck in front of me slammed on its brakes - HARD. Now I'm in my '02 Civic, and I know it's not going to be able to stop fast enough, so I quickly angled towards the next lane on the right, straighten it a little, and slammed on the brakes while pulling the handbrake..

My car is LIGHT. Next thing I know, I am almost totally FACING THE FUCKING DIVIDER. I manage to stop fishtailing after a few swings, but the whole time this was happening I was waiting for a car to slam into the back of me. Didn't scare me at the time - I actually keep extremely calm in situations like that - but it definitely was the scariest thing that has happened to me on the road. It also didn't help that a week later down the same road, I see an accident around the same area (a ladder had fallen off a truck and through the front of another car. I couldn't see inside extremely well, but I'm convinced that I saw the driver still there - most likely dead, impaled by the ladder.

Did I mention that the front of my car got jacked a few weeks ago when a girl pull out right in front of me and I couldn't stop fast enough? I MISS THE BRAKES ON MY BERETTA!!
Me & my chick were driving on highway 95 out of Vegas last weekend, and we saw the Colorado River running along the side of the road. So we decided we would bust a U-Turn and go back to a road that went towards the river so we could swim in it. Anyways, I'm making the U-ey and we stalled in the middle of the highway facing SIDEWAYS just as a huge ass convoy of cars came over a nearby hill heading the other way, with an 18-wheeler in front, all doing about 85. From the look of the cars it seemed like we had maybe only 30 seconds to get the car off the road, I thought for sure we were going to be turned into sardines. Tried to start the car and it wouldn't start several times, only at the last moment I was able to start it and drive off the road.

At another time when I was much younger I was DWI like a dumb ass and it was raining. Me & my friend did about 95 off the freeway off-ramp on to a slick road, and at the light tried a left turn without stopping or slowing down. Well unfortunately the tires gave out and the car did at least 3 360's spinning towards the gigantic cement wall on the other side of the freeway underpass. To this day I still don't know how we didn't die because we were going so fast the car should have easily ended up crushed into the wall. I credit GOD for saving my life in that instance. The car spun and slid but it stopped just short of hitting the wall, not a single scratch or anything. I damn near gave my friend a heart attack with that one :)
either going 140 in corvette on small twolane road with top down and without seatbelt
(ive never gone over 100)

or going 95 and not seeing car stopped in middle of road and swerve to the left instea dof right and almsot headon
yeah that sucked
sargonnas9 said:
Now I'm in my '02 Civic, and I know it's not going to be able to stop fast enough, so I quickly angled towards the next lane on the right, straighten it a little, and slammed on the brakes while pulling the handbrake..

My car is LIGHT. Next thing I know, I am almost totally FACING THE FUCKING DIVIDER. I manage to stop fishtailing after a few swings, but the whole time this was happening I was waiting for a car to slam into the back of me.

Way to ruin any semblance of brake bias. There is a reason you were "FACING THE FUCKING DIVIDER" as you put it.
I was going down a road at night where they had been shifting lanes, was going about 45 probably. This car was coming at me and she was supposed to shift over to get out of my way but she didn't and came within inches of hitting me head on. Luckily my reaction was fast and she only caught the side of my truck. The way she hit me pulled the drive train out of my rear axle so I stopped in the middle of the road and saw the other car trying to drive away. It was too damaged to go far and me and my brother ran over there with the help of a witness and made her stop. I called the police and they later found out she was drunk out of her mind and had large amounts of heroine on her. Of course she had no insurance and the damages ran around 6k dollars.
i got lost driving and ended up in east baltimore.. NOT the place you want to be after dark (or, shit, even during the day). We were treated to a nice show of over a dozen cops chasing some nigger through the park while on the way out.

The next night 2 kids got shot on the same street i drove on.
sargonnas9 said:
and slammed on the brakes while pulling the handbrake..
:rofl: holy fuck what a retard....just because its called the e-brake doesnt mean you pull it in case of emergency.

Hint: It only affects 2 of the 4 wheels.
When I was learning to drive stick, I was on a highway in fifth. I went to downshift and I accidently missed 4th and went into 2nd (short throw shifter) and spun the tires as i was going down the road. I felt bad because there was an old dude on a bike behind me, but I quickly got into 4th and got off the highway at that point.
sargonnas9 said:
My 'scariest' car moment was when I was traveling about 70mph down I-285 (a five-lane highway with a concrete divider). I had just pulled into the inside lane when the truck in front of me slammed on its brakes - HARD. Now I'm in my '02 Civic, and I know it's not going to be able to stop fast enough, so I quickly angled towards the next lane on the right, straighten it a little, and slammed on the brakes while pulling the handbrake..

My car is LIGHT. Next thing I know, I am almost totally FACING THE FUCKING DIVIDER. I manage to stop fishtailing after a few swings, but the whole time this was happening I was waiting for a car to slam into the back of me. Didn't scare me at the time - I actually keep extremely calm in situations like that - but it definitely was the scariest thing that has happened to me on the road. It also didn't help that a week later down the same road, I see an accident around the same area (a ladder had fallen off a truck and through the front of another car. I couldn't see inside extremely well, but I'm convinced that I saw the driver still there - most likely dead, impaled by the ladder.

285 sucks ASS cuz of all the dumbass drivers on there. i've lost count of all the times i've been on there and nearly get sideswiped into the concrete barrier cuz they haven't bothered to look. 75 and 85 are just as bad even with the hov lanes... :-|
1970 VW Bus..... 50mph... lost control (drunk, 16).... smashed into guard rail.... end over end.... thrown from vehicle.... landed upright blocking road.... all windows smashed..... whole vehicle twisted like a can.... $265 DUI fine... lost license until 18 (actually didn't have one yet).... had to pay off the remaining $500 on the $800 loan from my dad for a dead car.
When you smash on the brakes weight transfers to the front of the car. This means the front tires now have more grip than the rears do. Factory brake settings will compensate for this by having less brake force at the rear, and more at the front. This way the front tires just BARELY lock up before the rears, its the safest and most effective way to stop for a typical street car.
If your rear tires lock up they can no longer provide alot of lateral grip, and therefor the rear end will tend to fishtail. By pulling the E-Brake you lock up the rear tires. Now put 2+2 together.

sargonnas9 said:
What do you mean?
CombatWombat said:
When you smash on the brakes weight transfers to the front of the car. This means the front tires now have more grip than the rears do. Factory brake settings will compensate for this by having less brake force at the rear, and more at the front. This way the front tires just BARELY lock up before the rears, its the safest and most effective way to stop for a typical street car.
If your rear tires lock up they can no longer provide alot of lateral grip, and therefor the rear end will tend to fishtail. By pulling the E-Brake you lock up the rear tires. Now put 2+2 together.


But I like to see things for myself. When I first got the car, I realized that it didn't break nearly as quickly as my Beretta. Now, it being the first time having a working handbrake, I decided to fuck around with it. Going straight, I was able to stop faster by using the handbrake. Yes my back end did slip, but it was actually very minimal.

I had to act fast. I tried to straighten the car out as much as I could before I applied the handbrake a little. Lost front traction, oversteered to the left, found myself facing the divider, got the car back in control.

The handbrake didn't make me lose control, otherwise I would have lost back traction first.
puneenup said:
285 sucks ASS cuz of all the dumbass drivers on there. i've lost count of all the times i've been on there and nearly get sideswiped into the concrete barrier cuz they haven't bothered to look. 75 and 85 are just as bad even with the hov lanes... :-|

Still not as bad as 316 though. I can't count how many accidents I've seen/almost been in. Usually, someone pulls out into the inside lane even though the outside lane IS WIDE FUCKING OPEN. That's actually how I got into my last accident. Dumb bitch did a u-turn and pulled into the inside lane where I was at instead of getting to the outside.