Upstart Crow

MC Hamster

Veteran XX
Couple of years old now, but I just discovered it. Awesome show :)

You might be able to pick it up streaming from the BBC - we've got it here via the ABC (that's the Australian one, not the American).

Written by Ben Elton and starring David Mitchell as William Shakespeare, that should probably tell you enough about it to have you wanting to take a watch... with Elton's writing and the setting (not to mention Mitchell's delivery), it does come across a little Blackadder-y, which is no criticism as far as I'm concerned.

Very well worth checking out if you can.

Also has Harry Enfield and Gemma Whelan (aka Yara Greyjoy from GoT).
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sounds tedious and pretentious.

:shrug: Some of the jokes in there obviously do have some Shakespeare references, so it helps if you're at least a little familiar with it.. but there's plenty of pretty universal stuff in there, and quite a few 'current' issues transplanted back to that setting... eg there's something of a running gag in there with him complaining about the traffic/roadworks/commute - though in '16th century' mode, when going back and forth between work and home.

I went through the first season last night. Mind you, they're BBC seasons, so that's only 3 hours worth. Will have to take a look at season 2 soon.
Everything Australian always feels like they're lagging behind countries like the US by at least 20 years. Where are your POC's?

i watched the first two episodes last night. pretty funny. reminds me of something monty python would have put together about shakespeare.

finally figured out in the second episode who kate was. fucking yara greyjoy.
Housos is the best Australian TV show :)

The Thin Blue Line is my favourite Ben Elton show :)

tonight me and gf are gonna eat chicken and watch Peep Show :)
I'd kinda gotten over Paulie's gags by the time Housos came around. Pizza was great. Swift & Shift Couriers.. ok. Housos.. yeeeeeah, it has its moments, but...

yeah fat pizza was by far the best. i wish they had a bigger budget, would have definitely been one of the best shows.
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