Uploaded a bunch of Tribes 1 files (including ~600 demos)


Veteran XX
I've spent the last few weeks organizing and uploading a bunch of old T1 files I had. Unfortunately I didn't get all the files off tribesmovies.com before it went down. If you're aware of anything I don't have just give me a URL and I'll mirror it. Enjoy!

Index of files.powdahound.com/gaming/tribes-1/

(I'm still uploading some movies...)
Man, I never uploaded my demos back in teh day. Watch the VuP ones to see me being awesome from Bohica's perspective though.
You have some of my demos, strangely, but my ones from our match against THE aren't there and those were the coolest.
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S3 vs POE rec is comedy gold to watch early games. Plus I think we were all high as a kite if im not mistaken.