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Random list of site complaints:

The "submit news" link goes to a 404 since forever.

Ever since the https upgrade, https://www.tribalwar.com/ is just white background with broken layouts (css fail?), while www.tribalwar.com works fine.

Clicking the "Forums" link on https://www.tribalwar.com/ goes to www.tribalwar.com/forums (no https), and doesn't log me in. But if I type https:// in front of the url, I'm now logged in.

Enjoy debugging. :sunny:
yeah i don't give a shit about any of that

submit news was taken offline cause some asshole keeps using it for sql injection so I just deleted all those old scripts

i'm shocked any part of the https thing works and
i have considered just deleting the front page completely so work on that part of the site isn't a priority.
submit news was handcuffed anyway (word count, no images, etc)

i did want to use it for my racist gaming news thread today tho :(
yeah i don't give a shit about any of that

submit news was taken offline cause some asshole keeps using it for sql injection so I just deleted all those old scripts

i'm shocked any part of the https thing works and
i have considered just deleting the front page completely so work on that part of the site isn't a priority.
fair deuce

please tell me we get to keep the blackface TW logo though
quotes aren't down from the upgrade, they're from the fucking serbian kid ddos'ing the fucking website with the quote script.
The image resizing seems broken, I even set the width to just 40 in the control panel and the images are still half again larger than a non image post.

Tried to find a Greasemonkey script but since M$ bought Github all the links are dead ...