Univ of Maryland, College Park - TWer spotted~1

I am in no way defending Obibun, I think he is a tool. But you, are a fag. Not in the hey faggot shut the fuck up way, but in the you take dick up the ass and enjoy it way. Ive never seen someone that comments on other men's clothing choices so regularly and loves to boast about his fashion sense to the degree you do. I wear 15$ shirts all day every day. And I promise you, I get more pussy than you, but that doesnt take much since you go for dick anyways.

:lol: A hater nerd is mad at me and is making up random shit.
Durak has stalked me ever since I made fun of the fact that he didn't know what he was talking about in a European Soccer thread. He didn't realize Spain was playing their third string players while they played Greece. They still beat greece, but Durak actually thought he was watching a full blown game and commented that Spain sucked. I told Durak how stupid he was for not knowing what he was talking and talking out of his ass. Something he always does. Spain then then proceeded to win the European Cup.

Ever since I pointed out his blatant ignorance earlier this summer he has then been on a bitter vendetta against me. I have never seen a more bitter nerd who doesn't want to be proven wrong.
Durak has stalked me ever since I made fun of the fact that he didn't know what he was talking about in a European Soccer thread. He didn't realize Spain was playing their third string players while they played Greece. They still beat greece, but Durak actually thought he was watching a full blown game and commented that Spain sucked. I told Durak how stupid he was for not knowing what he was talking and talking out of his ass. Something he always does. Spain then then proceeded to win the European Cup.

Ever since I pointed out his blatant ignorance earlier this summer he has then been on a bitter vendetta against me. I have never seen a more bitter nerd who doesn't want to be proven wrong.
Nobody cares.
I came in to say that I also go to College Park, but at this point in the thread I don't think anyone gives a fuck anymore
i was looking at this thread and wondering why such a simple question would generate a 5+ page discussion

now i realize it's obibun, durak, isuk, and ayz acting like complete faggots and trying to convince the 4 people who care how cool they all are so i'd be surprised if this thing doesn't go at least 20.
Actually I haven't really been taking part in the vast majority of it, if you were paying attention.
what the fuck is isuck talking about

i just consider you an insufferable troll, i dont even remember that euro 08 thing you mentioend