[Ultima Online] IPY 2 TW consolidated character name list.

Was really hoping we would get some more active players from TW. Other wise, we should just look into joining a guild already setup.
We can get a TW guild and stone and ally with someone. The only good set up guilds are fullllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll of faggots.
i think we should ally with TL, because they're looking to be very large, at least. there are a lot of players there though i wouldn't want to be associated with however, and thus would prefer to make our own tag.

i've got over 5k saved and i'm ready to throw down whenever for house+stone. we really need to do this b/c i think the GMs are kicking me off when i'm macroing on the rat at the stables. i NEVER lose connection except for when i macro.
I threw 5 bucks to IPY to support them and got some mongbat coins, beware that if you play the lottery, do it away from someone, I won a small fucking boat and it was stolen in <1 second, because apparently most things are not blessed and the emote about opening a ticket can be seen by everyone, which is fucking stupid.
i've got the download. i'll let you know when i have a character made.

any suggestions for build? id on't really care what i am :shrug:

edit: name is detox. let me know if you're playing...
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i think we should ally with TL, because they're looking to be very large, at least. there are a lot of players there though i wouldn't want to be associated with however, and thus would prefer to make our own tag.

i've got over 5k saved and i'm ready to throw down whenever for house+stone. we really need to do this b/c i think the GMs are kicking me off when i'm macroing on the rat at the stables. i NEVER lose connection except for when i macro.
For the sake of TW you guys can ally with them but someone else will have to lead the guild, I'm KoS to most TL for attacking them because many of them are pretty gay and I tend to kill them.

Also, macroing with razor if your rat dies or whatever and your macro keeps spamming it'll disconnect you, this happens to me when Im healing my character and it dies, the constant use of items on something that isn't there crashes me.

As for TL, theyre Team Liquid ( a really large starcraft forum ) that has transferred over here. Find a TL person and tell them you're a lurker on the forum and you'll probably get an invite. Alternatively, making a throwaway character with some SC style name (zergling,roach,zealot) etc will probably get you an invite. All in all theyre pretty terrible at the game and probably would help new players, its hard to know because the higher ups in that guild are definite douchebags. They whine a lot on the IPY forums as well.

i've got the download. i'll let you know when i have a character made.

any suggestions for build? id on't really care what i am :shrug:

edit: name is detox. let me know if you're playing...

Magic resist is one of the slowest skills to gain but without it mages will kick your ass, something to consider, but for your first character you can probably survive without it, its really up to you. Starting with it at 50 is advisable, but itll make your initial start up a little harder (not too bad as most skills skyrocket to 60) Alternatively you can start with 50 weaponskill 50 healing, the two slowest skills that group are healing and magic resist. I would start with 50 healing / 50 resist. But for an easier start you could go for 50 resist, 30 healing, 20 weaponskill.

An even easier start will be 50 weapon skill 50 healing, but resist will be by far the hardest to gain out of those.

Anatomy 100.0
Healing 100.0
Hiding / Archery Id recommend hiding for a first time character.
Magery 100.0
Resisting Spells 100.0
Fencing or /Macing/ or Swords 100.0
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I am torn. I had not played UO in many years, so I made a char on UO Gamers: Hybrid while I waited for IPY II. Now my char is just about 7x (100 Mage, Med, Eval, Arch, Anat, Resist, 92 Alch) and I have like 5 mill gold because the shard has poker and it is easier to make gold playing hold 'em against chumps than grinding.

Now I am not sure I want to make a char over again, especially with slow gains on IPY II. Would be sick to play with you though, Kirk.
I am torn. I had not played UO in many years, so I made a char on UO Gamers: Hybrid while I waited for IPY II. Now my char is just about 7x (100 Mage, Med, Eval, Arch, Anat, Resist, 92 Alch) and I have like 5 mill gold because the shard has poker and it is easier to make gold playing hold 'em against chumps than grinding.

Now I am not sure I want to make a char over again, especially with slow gains on IPY II. Would be sick to play with you though, Kirk.

Hybrid is dying - the reason hybrid is dying is because IPY is open. Ryan is handing out free rares and shit on hybrid because he knows its gone. Most of the people from Hybrid (any of the good ones) have switched over.
I am torn. I had not played UO in many years, so I made a char on UO Gamers: Hybrid while I waited for IPY II. Now my char is just about 7x (100 Mage, Med, Eval, Arch, Anat, Resist, 92 Alch) and I have like 5 mill gold because the shard has poker and it is easier to make gold playing hold 'em against chumps than grinding.

Now I am not sure I want to make a char over again, especially with slow gains on IPY II. Would be sick to play with you though, Kirk.

first off josh, how the fuck are you man? i can't wait to catch up, it's been almost 3 fucking years since i've been in the states. i'll be home sometime this year for sure and it will be grand.

secondly, i had no idea you were still playing UO, which makes this even more glorious, although being in korea means time zones are kinda funky, so unless you're playing early morning (like 7am your time), or it's a weekend, it will be tough.

lastly, i am owning shit up as reddwalf, which if i remember correctly is a throwback to some at atlantic badass. i get flamed frequently for misspelling. i then proceed to get griefed and then i call people faggots. it amuses me greatly.

you need to get on ipy2 bebe shit is gunna own. i fuck harpies up. also i solo'd a ll with clothing on. fuck yeah reddwalf fucking owns this shit. CHEA
also about the tl thing, we don't have to ally with them. i frequently troll the LR threads and have a largely inflated post count which gives me streetcred there. i also am pretty fucking good at sc2 if i can say so myself. anyway, i'm more just down to have some good laughs w/ tw folks more than "be awesome" at uo, whatever that is exactly, i've never known.

ps if you're wondering if i've been drinking a bit, yes, i have.
They did something with stat gains because they were coming much easier yesterday. Going to make my first trip to covetous tonight
They did something with stat gains because they were coming much easier yesterday. Going to make my first trip to covetous tonight

i've been hitting covetous tonight too.. watch out for reddwalf. also, gained 5 str, 2 dex, and 1 int in less than hour just casually getting gold and occasionally doing arms lore to check condition of weapons. fucking redic stat gains tonight comparatively speaking