[Ukraine] You thought it was over?

Drone Footage of Donetsk Airport, 15 Jan 2015

After 3 days fighting the separatists manage to take control of the entire airport.

Fighting still continues as the Ukrainian Army attempt to recapture it.
This is not over, Putin has to take over the Ukraine and invade Israel by 2016

just your propaganda sources are silent so that he can get away with it, the God you worship
I have never understood why the US doesn't get along with Russia. If the US and Russia were in the same frat, they would be buds.
Because both want to be the superest of super powers, and we can't have Russia trading oil in currencies other than our monopoly funny money.
I have never understood why the US doesn't get along with Russia. If the US and Russia were in the same frat, they would be buds.

You can't be buddies with Russia. The country is run by sociopaths who view other countries as either subordinates or enemies. Siloviks also project their hostile mentality, and thus believe that the leadership of every other country on earth operates this way.
Lincoln wrote Russia a letter during the civil war which probably saved the US of A from the other European powers

how many times have you thanked Russia for sending their steam ships here to keep the French/British from interfering in the conflict?
Full scale war has now broken out as opposed to the recent skirmishes under the ceasefire. I am surprised that the western media is pretty much ignoring this considering the implications of this war.

Front Line Situation (Novorossyan perspective)

Poroshenko (Ukraine President) announced today a massive offensive to retake the Donbass region whilst the DPR President also announced a full scale offensive to push the Ukrainian forces back.

If Novorossiya begins to lose this then that will undoubtedly force Russia to take action (cos I can't really see them wanting a a Russo-phobic Nazi regime dominating the Russian people in Eastern Ukraine) and that will lead to full blown war between Russia and Ukraine which is very dangerous because Ukraine will have nothing to lose and therefore might seek to expand the conflict.

I think folks in the USA underestimate this situation completely. The sad thing is the average Ukrainian caught in the middle of this proxy conflict between east and west.
"I think folks in the USA underestimate this situation completely."

or 90% of them just don't know anything about the situation at all, because it's not a part of the approved news media narrative
If Novorossiya begins to lose this then that will undoubtedly force Russia to take action (cos I can't really see them wanting a a Russo-phobic Nazi regime dominating the Russian people in Eastern Ukraine) and that will lead to full blown war between Russia and Ukraine which is very dangerous because Ukraine will have nothing to lose and therefore might seek to expand the conflict.

I think folks in the USA underestimate this situation completely. The sad thing is the average Ukrainian caught in the middle of this proxy conflict between east and west.

Are you taking this stuff from some tin-foil hat site? 'Cause those sites get their 'alternative view' straight from FSB psy ops.

Ukraine does not seek to expand the war (they don't have the muscle or the desire). This is a Russian proxy war, and that's where the strings get pulled from. Ukraine is slowly responding to an increasing Russian military action. Western involvement is minimal.