TW Progressives

excuse me but I keep a Saturnalia tree because that's where it comes from, the roman winter solistice festival. Christians stole it and try to pretend that preserving nature during the winter has something to do with Jesus.
Actually, it was ancient Babylonian. Queen Semiramis and her son and husband Nimrod. Nimrod would leave gifts under the evergreen tree if you burned a yule log on December 25th.
wheres that post from fool talkin bout progressives bein the toxic arm of liberalism and wat not

Progressivism is the cancerous arm of Liberalism. It's the reason why right-wing ideology is taking hold in much of the western world. It exploits the more emotional and moral based reasoning of the left to create a never-ending list of self-perceived grievances. It takes a relatively simple concept of liberty and equality, and extrapolates it into a need for Progress.

Progress to what exactly? Well the improvement of the human condition, a fairly vague concept. While science and technology improvements are fairly straightforward, perceived social injustices are completely open to interpretation. Liberalism is simple, equality. Progressivism isn't, because by its very nature it must be continuously searching for something to improve upon. If everyone is equal, there is no progress that can be made, therefore for Progressivism to continue to exist, there must always be inequality, there must always be a victim. It creates an environment where if a person does not consider themselves equal among the rest of society, it is society's obligation to change in order to suit their needs, not for them to adjust to better themselves in society. There will always be someone who feels that way. There is always going to be some slight, someone more unfortunate. A Liberal will point out the need for a wheelchair access ramp, a Progressive will demand the removal of all stairs lest they offend those who can't use them.

Modern Liberals gave the Progressives way too much power these last few years. Most of the sane Leftists recognize this. They stick to liberty and equality, and believe in free speech, free press, and equal rights. They have, however, allowed themselves to be steered by Progressives further towards equality at the expense of liberty. They remain supportive, or silent, when Progressives organize marches for rights they already have, or make demands for rights that aren't actually rights. They are easily swayed by the emotional demands for justice, because to be perceived as immoral is a Leftists greatest fear. They have a fundamental need to be perceived as virtuous, to be labeled as anything else is unacceptable. It's why Progressives immediately go straight to Hitler, it's why they demonize anyone who dares to criticize their demands. It keeps sane Liberals from calling them out on their bullshit.

The true danger to Liberals is that Progressivism is entirely self defeating. In the end, they will cannibalize their own, as they will inevitably out-victim one another. Ask a Progressive if a Latino can be racist against an African American, and you'll receive a blank stare. Neither holds "institutional power", but in the absence of White institutional power, surely one of them must then take up the reins? Does a White Male still hold institutional power in a city or country where they are the minority? Do White women have institutional power in a Patriarchal society comprised of minority men? You will receive a different answer every time, depending on which victim you ask.

Whereas both Conservatism and Liberalism have definable goals, Progressivism remains abstract because it must. If there is no true goal, there can be no resolution. "We're making progress!" is an empty statement if there is no true goal. There is no way to satisfy a Progressive, for to do so would be the end of their ideology. That's what the last decade has been about. It's why there's a right-wing shift happening globally. People are fed up with the constant push of Progressives for more. More free things at the expense of everyone else. More demands for rights they already have. More laws that accomplish nothing, save making people feel good. Maybe Liberals will figure it out before it's too late, but I doubt it. It might take losing a few more countries to the right wing, perhaps giving Republicans enough seats to make constitutional amendments, before they seize their party back from the loons.
See what i mean people? That simple post of mine triggered that Godless heathen.

You will burn in a lake of fire.

it's too fucking easy, isn't it?

the bible was right. end times are near. Christian persecution is off the charts.
what's so funny about people persecuting Christians at an enormous rate?

oh, nm, u must be an atheist that hates Christians.

I am an atheist but, you're wrong, I hate all of your Abrahamic cultist societies equally. I consider you on the same level as Muslims.
Thanks man for the pass. I am fairly clueless on politics these days. I do not watch or listen to any political shows. As far as I’m concerned it’s all a farce anyway. Democracy is an illusion in this country designed to allow us to feel we have input. We don’t.

Yes we have a XMas tree, no I am not religious in any way. Pretty indifferent to religion as a whole.

We aren't a democracy... We are a democratic Republic.
Fucktatds keep getting elected so we get fucktarded leadership. Unfortunately it seems the 'majority' are a bunch of idiots... So we get what we deserve
excuse me but I keep a Saturnalia tree because that's where it comes from, the roman winter solistice festival. Christians stole it and try to pretend that preserving nature during the winter has something to do with Jesus.

^ bing

constantine all up ins