TW Admins: Ban me for a week?

addictive or not, I don't see how someone can't have enough self control to focus on what they 'really' need to focus on and not visiting tdub.

Visiting isn't the problem.

It's posting. And then getting sucked into posting more. LIKE YOU ARE DOING TO ME NOW SHUTUP
For real though, it wasn't that I was shirking my responsibilities, it was that I was about to get dumped with a load of new responsibilities (more doctors to cover, less people to cover them) in addition to harder classes, so I figured I would take the initiative and get rid of some timewasters I had been partial to.

We've since fired a doctor and my classes haven't been such a big deal, so I figured I could handle TW again. I'm sure I would have handled it banned or not, but it's not like I missed very much. TW is still the same stupid cesspool I have come to love.
GigaFool said:
For real though, it wasn't that I was shirking my responsibilities, it was that I was about to get dumped with a load of new responsibilities (more doctors to cover, less people to cover them) in addition to harder classes, so I figured I would take the initiative and get rid of some timewasters I had been partial to.

We've since fired a doctor and my classes haven't been such a big deal, so I figured I could handle TW again. I'm sure I would have handled it banned or not, but it's not like I missed very much. TW is still the same stupid cesspool I have come to love.
Understandable and AMEN!
I could see it only if you know some dork is going to have access to your shit and you are going to be away..
But I highly doubt this is the case
GigaFool said:
For real though, it wasn't that I was shirking my responsibilities, it was that I was about to get dumped with a load of new responsibilities (more doctors to cover, less people to cover them) in addition to harder classes, so I figured I would take the initiative and get rid of some timewasters I had been partial to.

We've since fired a doctor and my classes haven't been such a big deal, so I figured I could handle TW again. I'm sure I would have handled it banned or not, but it's not like I missed very much. TW is still the same stupid cesspool I have come to love.

What do you do?