Tukey/Istanbul/Ankara recommendations

So I'm heading to Istanbul tomorrow. Will be spending 9 days there, then 5 in Ankara. I'm helping chaperon a study tour of 12 undergrads, so my days are pretty much booked, but I'll be doing all the must-see kind of places. Thinking I'll stay on for an extra couple days to do Ephesus and, depending on money, three or four days in southeast Anatolia hiking.

Anyone been? Like I said, my days are already planned out, so I'm mostly looking for good food/nightlife recommendations. Really looking forward to it.

edit: Thread title should obviously read "Turkey"
hagia sophia
the hippodrome

dunno i was supposed to go in 2007 but i got to heathrow and turned around because i was pussy whipped

beta 4 life

istanbul is next on my hit list

doing cairo/aswan/luxor, ethiopia addis ababa and finally kenya safari this february

love travel threads

istanbul is next on my hit list

doing cairo/aswan/luxor, ethiopia addis ababa and finally kenya safari this february

love travel threads

Nice. I've done a solid chunk of the West African coast so far, but have never done the east. That sounds like an awesome trip. Work/ research takes me to East Asia pretty often, so the Balkans and Middle East seem like this awesome mystery I have to try out. This trip should go a little ways toward fulfilling both those ambitions.
Nice. I've done a solid chunk of the West African coast so far, but have never done the east. That sounds like an awesome trip. Work/ research takes me to East Asia pretty often, so the Balkans and Middle East seem like this awesome mystery I have to try out. This trip should go a little ways toward fulfilling both those ambitions.

I just pictured you as this guy:

Motherfucker, I've got friends everywhere from here to the Sudan, I speak a dozen languages, know every custom, I blend in, disappear.

But no, mostly I look like a long haired American. And this trip, I'm walking with a cane because I broke my knee, so yea, Brody is mostly correct.
buy a floormat from turkey
it's not their tourist season, so they are desperate for a sell. You can get quality mat for dirt cheap!
there have been some pretty good deals from DC to Istanbul lately...like in the $400-$500 range. Might have to check it out.
In Istanbul, there is a main bridge that goes across the Bosporus. Go underneath that bridge on the European side and get some of the fish sandwiches they sell from the boats. Om nom nom.

Then proceed under the bridge where they have bars and restaurants underneath the bridge itself. you can pull up a beanbag chair, grab a beer and spend some time looking at the water.
Ugh have fun, I work in international banking and have to deal with tons of Turkish citizens, they are one and all pains in the ass. Very loud, egotistical, and impolite (that coming from an American).

*granted my view may be skewed because I deal with Turkish military most of the time, and i have no idea what their women are like because they generally are not allowed to speak in business settings.