Trumps Tax Returns



he burned those cities full of your voters and politicians who think just like you?

Well Global Warming did that

and TRUMP helped em


fucking cult folks

wish they would just drink that kool-aid already

or get rid of Summer idk
Insane.. these people will cut their own sacks off for MUHH CLIMATEZ CHANGE

they have legit lost their minds

trump broke them

and the worst part is that they have created their own religoin

which is ironically more intolerant and cruel/distopian/delusional than the other religions they spent their lives worrying and complaining about

they went their head from one hole in the ground to another at this point
ultimately arguments about ukrainian politicking are incredibly unpersuasive given how little knowledge any of us have about wtf is actually happening there. i can't imagine how many priorities would have to drop to zero before i would have the time or desire to become acquainted with that, and posting one youtube video repeatedly does not convince me that you have done so.

LOL I love the typical leftist doublethink.

Ukraine is complicated. So when Biden does an actual quid pro quo and admits it on camera we have to back off and remember we can't fully grasp such a nuanced and volatile situation.

But when Trump has a phone call with the Ukrainian president about it, IMPEACH THE MOTHERFUCKER!

Get fucked.
good point

These fuckin loonies are twice as bad as the fundamentalist Christians from 40 years ago or w/e

Government is their God. Trump killed him.
NYT headline Trump only paid 750 dollars in Taxes

inside NYT article.......Trump paid 1 Million one year 3.5 Million the next

Yeah that math isn't adding up

but these are also the 2 + 2 = 5 crowd so I guess we can't expect them to grasp accounting
good point

These fuckin loonies are twice as bad as the fundamentalist Christians from 40 years ago or w/e

Government is their God. Trump killed him.

it really is a religion

and the worst part about it is they want us to pay for it

never themselves

how about no gasoline in big cities? I'm ok with that

how about no more plastic or straws or forks or whatever inside of Oakland

I'm ok with that

Berkeley will ban candy, soda, chips from checkstands at grocery stores

i don't even care about this

seriously fuck you clowns you deserve it.

ONLY KOOL-AID with phentynol poison I am fine with that too

just leave the rest of us the fuck alone is all i ask

but they can never even pretend to do that

they want to go after others first for their sins they scream about

and since some people reading this aren't in the climate cult

i realize not everyone in here deserves to be trolled and lambasted for fundamentalist fanaticism

so here is a good article that explains this better than I would ever care to

Did Global Warming Play A Significant Role In The Recent Northwest Wildfires? | Zero Hedge

most comprehensive discussion i've seen yet

which explains why leftists will not go near it with a ten foot pole

this kind of talk would be illegal if they had their way under blasphemy laws

NYT in 2014 didn't pay any taxes on 30 million in profit.

In fact they got a 3.5 million rebate

Get em

dang the math just isn't adding up

no wonder math is so racist now

this wasn't the gotcha they thought it was gonna be

So the Neo-Liberals found out Trump didn't pay much income tax, and they think it will convince...

... a bunch of people who don't believe there should be an income tax to not vote for him?

"Trump's catching up, about to install a third Justice, Biden is embarassing, & the debate is days away where he'll be trounced. What do we do?!"

"Release his tax return showing he hasn't profited from being president, or colluded w/ Russia, & hates paying taxes like everyone else."

LOL I love the typical leftist doublethink.

Ukraine is complicated. So when Biden does an actual quid pro quo and admits it on camera we have to back off and remember we can't fully grasp such a nuanced and volatile situation.

But when Trump has a phone call with the Ukrainian president about it, IMPEACH THE MOTHERFUCKER!

Get fucked.

since we are getting into taxes and audits

when we going to talk about this?

this is what the leftists were looking for in Trump's taxes

yet when we find it they don't care about Russian meddling and collusion anymore

Hunter Biden received $3.5M from Russian billionaire: report

Biden's son Hunter made money from Russia, China: Donald Trump - The Economic Times

hey guys the government is the expert in client change

and health care

and frugal spending

and honesty

EXCEPT DRumppPPPFFFFffffffFFF *spittle sounds*
they are the experts at everything

that's why our government institutions are all doing so excellent right now

on time on money and on schedule for sure

we should just let them have control over the rest at this point

cruise control all the way to the promised lands


in the past 180 years Biden has been in office

he has seen 200 million people die of covid-19 under Trump as President

and that's enough

vote for JOE BIDEN


I don't think Trump should attack at all..just set him up.

Get into a gun conversation and get Biden about shooting a shotgun out the window then just say "you are possibly right, worked for Kurt Cobain" Biden would be like "yeah SEE??"
Trump: "Biden you are not American unless you have shot an 88 Magnum..have you?"

Biden: "Common man..I've shot a 89 Magnum"