Trump's getting impeached lolololol

My DC source is telling me that Hillary has sent her aides out to test the waters about joining the long list of democrat challengers.

Her aides have spoken to donors and a select few democrat senators.

The source said the push for impeachment on Trump is not a coincidence. And that Pelosi finally giving ain to her party was because she is helping Hillary. The Ukraine situation was an excuse to try and damage the president and Biden at the same time. It also now implicates Warren’s daughter.

The source also said that Schiff has had the whistleblower information since the end of July. A team of lawyers, who worked with Hillary and Soros in the past, helped the CIA agent write the formal complaint. Information for the complaint was supplied by a variety of partisans.

But the kicker is, Hillary believes that she can now get in the race and the information that Giuliani recovered from Ukraine cannot be used against her because it would be interfering in a presidential race.

That would be hella funny.
Is it 6/15 yet

Not even close.
Triple made himself a promise he'd never come back
or have sex again
until President Donald Trump was impeached
which for sure will happen
sooner than later

but the rest of the Left here
keeps jumping at any bait the press throws them
they can't help themselves
but they'll never be
Not even close.
Triple made himself a promise he'd never come back
or have sex again
until President Donald Trump was impeached
which for sure will happen
sooner than later

but the rest of the Left here
keeps jumping at any bait the press throws them
they can't help themselves
but they'll never be

Its terrible, but your poetry should get better as you suffer further

Zoomers Goolaging Reo Speedwagon.
I thought it might be Heather Locklear.

And she'll tell two friends

and they'll tell two friends

and so on

and so on

and so on

++boomer humour
“She’s Running!” Steve Bannon Drops a Bomb, Tells FBN’s Trish Regan Hillary Clinton Is Running (VIDEO)
Former Chief Strategist for President Trump, Steve Bannon, joined Trish Regan on FOX Business Network on Monday night to discuss the latest Democrat coup attempt against Donald Trump.

Steve told Trish Regan, “They’ve been hellbent on this since 2:30 AM on November 9, 2016. They still fail to see the reason they lost the election is the upper Midwest. Donald Trump reached out to working class people, the manufacturing jobs were gone, their lifestyles changed, the opioids are there. Hillary Clinton was too busy to do that. They’ve never been able to admit this.

Steve said the national security apparatus has failed the United States and President Trump saw this. That’s part of the reason that they hate him.

Trump encouraged the Trump administration to slow the process down. There are many alternatives to slow this thing down. Bannon warned Democrats if they vote to impeach the president when all of the information on the Democrat scandals is released then they have signed their death warrant.

Steve also predicted that Hillary Clinton is running in 2020, telling Trish Regan, “I even think Hillary Clinton or Bloomberg or some centrist comes in here… She’s running. She’s just trying to decide how to fit her way in.”

TGP’s Cassandra Fairbanks reported on this last week.

Please, be true!
Warren and Clinton talk behind the scenes as 2020 race intensifies
Analysis: Neither camp wants to talk about it, but the two women have recently grown closer.

WASHINGTON — Elizabeth Warren's team doesn't want to talk about Hillary Clinton, but that doesn't mean the 2020 presidential candidate isn't talking with her party's 2016 nominee.

The two women have kept a line of communication open since the Massachusetts senator decided to run for president — though only a conversation around the time of Warren's launch has been previously reported — according to several people familiar with their discussions who spoke to NBC on the condition of anonymity because of the political sensitivity of private interactions.

Clinton is a fraught subject for the Democratic contenders — perhaps for none so much as Warren, who, in the shadow of Clinton's defeat, is seeking to become the second woman to win the party's nod and the first woman elected president.

As she seeks to blend her movement-based progressive campaign with a Democratic establishment long wary of her populist brand of politics, Warren has been maintaining and creating relationships with a wide array of Democratic establishment figures. And if the race for nomination goes long — as many Democrats now predict — Clinton could become pivotal as an ally, an adversary or a neutral observer.

More immediately, Warren would no doubt like to win over support from Clinton voters, particularly women — and women of color — as she battles Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, former Vice President Joe Biden and the rest of a field that trails the top-tier triumvirate.

But Warren has made little effort to publicly highlight ties to Clinton, who is perceived by many on the left as too centrist and who was defeated in an election Clinton and her allies believe was heavily colored by President Donald Trump waging a misogynistic campaign. To the extent that Democratic primary voters fear a repeat scenario in 2020 — and to the extent that she's competing with Sanders for the votes of progressives — there may be good reason for Warren to keep her distance from Clinton publicly.

This would be some interesting conversations to be present for. I can only imagine with Shillary is saying...
