Doesn't Trump getting the virus just prove how stupid and ineffective the shutdowns are?

The most protected and secure person on the planet was still exposed. He gets tested constantly, the people around him get tested constantly, and he's rarely exposed to people outside his circle.

This entire thing just proves to me that "hiding" from a virus is fucking stupid and does little to nothing.


they're experimenting on the president, i wonder if that's a good sign :weird:

pump him full of as many experimental drugs as we can get our hands on
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They both have headaches and have to take aspirin

A Note of Covid Caution from Michael Moore:

There is one absolute truth about Trump: He is a consistent, absolute, unrelenting, fearless, and professional liar. A serial liar. A factually proven liar. How many lies now has the Washington Post proven in these four years? 25,000? A lie at least twice during every waking hour? Think of all the bad people you’ve known in your life. Even the worst ones you couldn’t say that about.

So why on earth would we believe him today? Has he earned your trust now? No. Yet, we’re decent enough to not want him to be sick, to wish him well, and maybe just this once give him the benefit of the doubt because why would he lie about this?

That’s not the question. The question we — and yes, I mean you, too, the media — the only question we really need to be asking is this: Why would Trump all of a sudden just start telling the truth?

All of you, my friends, have been saying for four years, “Trump’s a liar! Trump is a liar!” Why would you believe him now? He very well may have COVID-19. In fact, let’s assume he does. Of course he has it! Does that make him not Trump? I’m certain Mussolini came down with the flu one time. Pinochet and Franco would catch a cold every now and then. Margaret Thatcher must have had a migraine or two. None of them suddenly became nice or did good things - or started telling the truth - because they got sick. Jesse Helms with a runny nose was still Jesse Helms.

But Trump has a history of lying about his health. His longtime New York doctor, Dr. Bornstein, admitted a few years ago that Trump dictated his perfect “doctor’s letter” during the 2016 campaign. Then there was the White House doctor who said Trump could live “200 years!” What about his lying about that emergency trip to Walter Reed “to complete his physical?” Trump also has a history of lying about his opponents’ health (like when Hillary fell ill at the 9/11 remembrance ceremony, or what he’s now been saying about Biden’s health).

So we must be skeptical. We must always remain skeptical when it comes to Trump. He may have it. But it’s also possible he’s lying. That’s just a fact.

But why would he lie about this? What would he have to gain? I mean, it looks bad that he’s called it a hoax for seven months, and he totally mismanaged the government response — and now he has it? Doesn’t it look terrible that he’s spent months downplaying wearing masks, dismissing social distancing, holding large rallies filled with elderly, at-risk supporters and even killing his own supporters like Herman Cain? And doesn’t this go against his brand of always projecting (and exaggerating) his own strength, his health, his genetics, his virility? Yes. This is all true. He would not want to admit he‘s come down with a hoax.

But — he’s losing the election. And he knows it. It’s not 2016. He was hated in 2016, but he’s hated even more now. Millions of Americans are ON FIRE and on the verge of serving him up a major league ass-whooping and a record landslide defeat.

So he needs - badly - to totally change the conversation about this campaign.

And he just has.

Democrats, liberals, the media and others have always been wrong to simply treat him as a buffoon and a dummy and a jackass. Yes, he is all those things. But he’s also canny. He’s clever. He outfoxed Comey. He outfoxed Mueller. He outfoxed 20 Republicans in the GOP primary and then did the same to the Democrats, winning the White House despite receiving fewer votes than his opponent. He’s an evil genius and I raise the possibility of him lying about having COVID-19 to prepare us and counteract his game. He knows being sick tends to gain one sympathy. He’s not above weaponizing this.

He’s been lying about how soon a vaccine will be ready. What better way to hammer home that lie then by directing a saga in the final weeks before the election that culminates in the release of this “vaccine.”

The NY Times tax story was horrible for him. As was The Atlantic story about him calling American troops losers and suckers. There are a dozen more of these stories coming in October. Just last night, The New Yorker detailed how his campaign finance director (and Don Jr’s girlfriend) was fired from Fox News for....well...behaving like a typical Fox News host by sexually harassing her assistant and forcing Fox to pay a $4 million settlement to that assistant due to her behavior. And also, last night, there was CNN playing an audio recording of Melania talking shit about children separated from their parents at the border — AND talking shit about Christmas. Christmas!

These stories are about to be a daily occurrence. However, they may get less airtime and be less damaging since Trump and FLOTUS are now “sick” and supposed to be in our thoughts and prayers.

But most dangerously, HE MAY USE THIS TO PUSH FOR DELAYING/POSTPONING THE ELECTION. The constitution does not allow for this, but he doesn’t give a f*ck about the constitution. He and his thug Attorney General Barr have no shame and will stop at nothing to stay in power. He may even use this as an excuse for losing.

Then there’s this:

He may use his Covid as a pretext to drop out of the race and move Pence to the top of the ticket. Pence would temporarily become President, and then Pence could pre-emptively pardon Trump for all of his crimes.

Again, though, he may have COVID. He probably does. But never, ever, ever take him at his word and never, ever, ever underestimate his survival skills or the depths of his deception or his evil.

They both have headaches and have to take aspirin


Being transported to Walter Reed hospital now. WH says it's "out of an abundance of caution," aides off the record are saying his symptoms have become much worse.

Who do you believe?
Doesn't Trump getting the virus just prove how stupid and ineffective the shutdowns are?

The most protected and secure person on the planet was still exposed. He gets tested constantly, the people around him get tested constantly, and he's rarely exposed to people outside his circle.

This entire thing just proves to me that "hiding" from a virus is fucking stupid and does little to nothing.

"the most secure person on the planet" who meets with dozens of personnel every day, presides over rallies with literally hundreds of attendees, visits hospitals, attends conferences, all while having donald trump's personal hygiene and understanding of microorganisms

i mean jesus, politicians have to be the highest risk individuals after healthcare workers.

remember when you were so dumb you were shamed out of posting here?
u can tell trumps doin good cuz they airlifted him to the hospital after getting an experimental drug barely tested in humans
Being transported to Walter Reed hospital now. WH says it's "out of an abundance of caution," aides off the record are saying his symptoms have become much worse.

Who do you believe?
I believe he is much worse, because the virus would be multiplying. Even with all those drugs they're giving him, only his body can fight it with the anti-bodies.

I read your whole post T-Dawg. Pence is not taking over, not happening. That's a far fetched idea the left has hoping Nancy will become president.
its remarkable that after 4 years of moral indignation that people are taking a step further in the trump playbook of hate and wishing people die

and on that note, how much of a degenerate piece of shit is vanster. racist. woman beating. dui. all around angry loser...that is now somehow taking personal joy in sick people.
When Trump is dead we can start to heal. Not till he's dead, but after for sure.
Being transported to Walter Reed hospital now. WH says it's "out of an abundance of caution," aides off the record are saying his symptoms have become much worse.

Who do you believe?

Twitter mostly. But also the occasional drunken injun.