Titanfall: Apex Legens - f2p battle royale game

so 20$ skins is the new norm now or wut :lol:

i suppose its a good thing for society that these companies are robbing whale idiots of their $$$ who likely inherited it. no1 who actually earns $ would piss it away like that. and putting inherited $ back into the economy is good, even if its temporarily in the hands of evil cunts like ea/activ.
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I was watching Doc play a round... it looks like they bothered to add all the QoL features that should have been in every BR game since minute one.

Your teammates will announce globally when they're under fire, downed a guy, finished off a squad, etc. You can mark spotted enemies for your teammates to see. You can put a marker on loot (will pop up on the HUD with a distance marker and your character will announce the item (and its level). Just a lot of communication is streamlined and automated in game.

I dunno about the classes with ultimates n stuff. Seems like that opens the door to meta comps.

All that said, it's still published by EA so even a free to play game sounds like a bad deal.
T:A was good in the beginning.

I played alot of tribes ascend for the first couple years it was out, almost got to lvl 50 which I think was supposed to take 1000hrs played.

It wasn't really that bad, I actually got non tribes playing friends to play it and they liked it alot.

Hi-Rez is just really good at destroying their own success, every weapon update was OP and the monetization and unlock system was terrible.

I'm looking forward to this game but I know nobody else is probably going to play it, modern players won't play a game these days unless they're 'good' at it from the first minute.

Splitgate: Arena Warfare - Alpha 1.0 Reveal - YouTube
It's free and looks like a quality game.

Heals are a bit slow and looting bags looks like shit.

Character/class choices are shit. What non-white female do you want to play as? That's your option. Bunch of brown/yellow/brown females. It's fairly stupid.
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I definitely rate TF and TF2, but if this game has no Titans and no crazy sick fast parkour movement, I don't know why I should be excited

stuff Atreides mentions above sounds decent though

if I get pulled into it by friends I will report back :phone:
I think they just used the assets for what was going to be TF3, made a generic BR so they didn't go to waste and are working on TF3 on a Modern engine.

It doesn't really have anything to do with Titanfall
This game is good.

It’s more Overwatch + Halo than Titanfall.

It is very polished and has few QoL improvements that are ace. Ping system and revives in particular.

I like pubg, hate fortnite and thought blackout was meh btw.
Just played a few rounds. It was fun, but it doesn't run all too good on my ancient pc from late 2010.. :/

Upgrading after the summer tho.
i like the jumpmaster aspect too...you can either drop right with your team and let the jumpmaster control where you land...or leave them and go your own way

of course, the cheating will probably be through the roof since its f2p
had to do work overtime so could only watch shroud play on twitch..he won like 15 out of 18-19 games...jesus that guy is unreal...
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this game is actually fun.

second game our squad won the match, I was revived 3 times..

ping system is game changing. instead of someone saying "guy over there behind the rock" of a million rocks, you can just select it on the map to focus your team.