Tipping Thread


Veteran X
Wasn't this a Kurayami bit?
So tired of hearing about tipping. Get a regular job so you don't have to depend on the goodwill of the general public to pay your bills
The waitress should have left a cup, and every time you're a jerk, she hocks a loogy into it. This way you'll know how much of her sputum you have ingested.

The worst part is this jerk was prolly poor in the first place. When you get a little bit of money, you kinda don't worry about five bucks here, or five bucks there. Cool stack of unos there, big spender.
man... i'm a poor person relatively speaking, and that is some passive aggressive bullshit nonsense. (and also a bullshit tip unless he's eating at fucking Denny's... tip like a grown up asshole.)

I was a bartender for 8 years... leave a tip or don't, I could give two fucks, but pull that kinda shit and I guarantee you'll get less than great service. And you can stick your 5$ up your ass.
Gratuity was originally a bride to ensure prompt service. You tipped the inn keeper in advance to ensure you were taken care of.

Now, it often feels like you are obliged to tip... making it more like a Tax on top of what you already owe.

I don't agree with tipping solely by a percentage of my total bill... why should it matter what I paid? It should be about the service I received. If I choose to order an expensive meal... it doesn't require more of the waitress than if I ordered a cheap meal.

There is also the issue of tipping for the minimal expected service versus service above and beyond. I should tip the waitress for taking my order? for carrying it from the kitchen to my table when it was ready? How about if she never lets my glass run dry and I never have to wave for her attention?

The kitchen staff also play apart in my overall satisfaction, they're the ones responsible for the quality of the food itself. They're likely the ones who aspire to make a career of being in the restaurant industry and have likely gone to school and have student debt... yet surprisingly, in many establishments make less money than the teenage girl who sees the job as only temporary stepping stone for the summer.

I want to show appreciation for good service, and don't mind spending money in that regard. I just don't like the presumption or obligation to do it because then I don't feel like its gratuity. I feel like a heel if I don't add the tip, even when the service was the minimal expected level. The industry in North America has come to expect this as a norm and so they pay their staff knowing their wage will be offset by the customer directly. It gets a little silly when I see an option on the debit/credit machine for a tip even at a fast food joint now.

Laying the bills out on the table I feel is very condescending and demeaning. I'd be insulted. Its shows a lack of respect for the individual who will be taking care of you.
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