thumbs down this youtube video

I gave it a thumbs down and posted a comment. The emojis are made by the japanese, not Apple. She's blaming the USA and white people for a problem we didn't create.
I gave it one thumb down and one boner way up.

I'm going to blindly assume she's of age.
Who the fuck is Maia Mitchell and what has she done to enrich humanity that is worthy of my attention, aside from being a hole that high net worth males can throw loads into while she's between the ages of 18 and 24?
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Who the fuck is Maia Mitchell and what has she done to enrich humanity that is worthy of my attention, aside from being a hole that high net worth males can throw loads into while she's between the ages of 18 and 24?

you just described 80% of California women
im gonna thumbs up this vid without watching because it'll probably inspire more angry nerd rage from Hologram