[Thread for closet psychopaths.] Could you kill someone?


Think he'd take an innocent life?
if you could kill anyone, i hope you start with yourself. or maybe before that, kill your parents for having a living abortion.
Here are the conditions:

+ Your victim would be a complete stranger. Race/Gender/Age are all unknown to you until the deed is done.
+ You don't have to use your bare hands. You could use any tool you like.
+ There isn't any catch to make the murder morally acceptable. It's an act of cold blood.
+ You will not be caught.

So, could you do it?

Would you ever want to?

How would you justify such an act?

250 creativity points and a gold star for saying that you think you'd like to kill me.

I would have no problem acing one of life's freeloaders but I'm not too hip on killing productive individuals.

If it was a random person then no. However if its a thug or whatever, then id have no problem.
I dont know what weapon i would use. It'd be awesome to do some hand to hand combat and win. I think ill have to go with the sniper rifle they use in Neon Genesis Evangelion.OVER KILL.
If it was a random person then no. However if its a thug or whatever, then id have no problem.
I dont know what weapon i would use. It'd be awesome to do some hand to hand combat and win. I think ill have to go with the sniper rifle they use in Neon Genesis Evangelion.OVER KILL.

Too bad it's the size of an apartment complex and you're not a giant motherfucking robot.
I would say no. Or rather, yes, but not willingly (you'd have to put a gun to my head or otherwise force me to do it).

under those circumstances, no.

but there are some individual human beings who should not exist that i personally know.
I wouldn't mind killing a nigger in LA.

I should get a gold medal, or something. Or if it were a fucking beaner. yes.