Thoughts and Prayers in France, again

How many "thoughts and prayers" in US High Schools this week?

What does this do to your theory?

Knife-Wielding Man Kills 2, Injures 17 In Japan Mass Stabbing : NPR

At least two victims are dead, including an 11-year-old girl, and about 17 others were injured in a mass stabbing attack near Tokyo, Tuesday morning.

A man who was killed was in his 30s and an official with Japan's Foreign Ministry, NPR's Anthony Kuhn reported.

Japanese broadcaster NHK quoted officials who said a knife-wielding man attacked a group of elementary school children as they were boarding a school bus at about 7:45 a.m. local time in the city of Kawasaki.

Those 2 "dudes" in Colorado didn't have this kind of success and they had guns (1 dead, 8 injured)
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I would say it reinforces my personal theory that guns and knives aren't the problem.. I say it is defective human beings taking sole responsibility.

Therefore taking guns and knives away from sane people seems kind of stupid.. don't you think?

it also make this

How many "thoughts and prayers" in US High Schools this week?

Guess the thoughts and prayers are working then! Praise the Lord!

Nope, just simple numbers. There are significantly less mentally disturbed teenagers than there are radicalized muslim bombers. But you knew that before being deliberately dishonest.
Nope, just simple numbers. There are significantly less mentally disturbed teenagers than there are radicalized muslim bombers. But you knew that before being deliberately dishonest.

Wow, that there is quite a fucking leap of imagination. Do you not read or watch the news? Do you live in a shack in the woods?
Wow, that there is quite a fucking leap of imagination. Do you not read or watch the news? Do you live in a shack in the woods?

Are you making the suggestion that there are more school shootings than there are acts of muslim terrorism?
I think back to IEP meetings and Special Ed interventions and integrations. TW should be held as a model and studied.

Authoritarian love, xenophobia, frenzied tribalism, dancing and hooting while jumping up and down. "Dems are imploding!"

This is a place that before it dies, should be studied. You have already labelled yourselves a soon-to-be-extinct species. You believe there to be a war on you, while everyone knows you are doing it to yourselves. You should be examined before you're gone.

Every parent of a retarded kid should see TW if they want a preview of that kid as an adult.
hi vanster

per your statement below
There are perhaps 40 people, 30 of them white supremacists, that post here regularly.
I'll stand by that.
can you please list 10 white supremacists that post on tw? Thanks.
Are you making the suggestion that there are more school shootings than there are acts of muslim terrorism?

Are we talking about the USA? If so, then no, I'm not making a suggestion. I'm stating an easily researched fact. If we're talking about Europe or other parts of the civilised world where, y'know, schoolkids don't generally have access to assault rifles, your views may have some merit.
Are we talking about the USA? If so, then no, I'm not making a suggestion. I'm stating an easily researched fact. If we're talking about Europe or other parts of the civilised world where, y'know, schoolkids don't generally have access to assault rifles, your views may have some merit.

I was talking worldly, but even if you want to talk just US you're not going to find the statistics favorable. Going back to 1966 there have been roughly 1200 mass shooting deaths in the US, which isn't just limited to school shootings. Stretching it as far as possible still puts them several thousand people behind muslim terror, not to mention that most of those shootings don't even involve those assault rifles you hate so much.

As it stands, you'd need about 50 school shooting incidents to equal one Sri Lanka.
I was talking worldly, but even if you want to talk just US you're not going to find the statistics favorable. Going back to 1966 there have been roughly 1200 mass shooting deaths in the US, which isn't just limited to school shootings. Stretching it as far as possible still puts them several thousand people behind muslim terror, not to mention that most of those shootings don't even involve those assault rifles you hate so much.

As it stands, you'd need about 50 school shooting incidents to equal one Sri Lanka.
mitch is using muslim math

he's talking about shooting on or before sept 10 2001 and on or after sept 12 2001
The anti gunners did a marvelous job on the school shooting numbers. Incredible piece of propaganda.
Here's a description of just one of the horrific school shootings happening every week in America

A 15-year-old student was shot and injured by a stray bullet while playing on a basketball court at Sterling Aviation High School in Houston, school officials said. Officials said police are investigating “off-campus criminal activity which may be connected” to the shooting.
Another senseless tragedy, these school shootings MUST end

A 10-year-old boy was struck in the hand by a bullet while riding on a school bus in Holmes County, Miss. The bus was transporting elementary and middle school students after school when an unidentified shooter’s bullet struck the bus, authorities said.
Someone please think of the children. God damnit enough with these school shootings already!!!

A school bus driver was shot while behind the wheel and wounded in a shooting, following a crash with another vehicle, police say. They say an elementary school student was sitting in the back of the bus at the time of the shooting and was unharmed
Ok ok last one. This might be the BEST of the bunch lmao

A man running on the school track was shot and injured after confronting someone breaking into his vehicle parked on school property. A district spokesperson said the incident occurred during a school basketball game, though the shooting “was not related” to the game.