Thor (2017) aka taika waititi is the next kubrick

Thor: Ragnarok Is Quietly the Queerest Superhero Movie Yet

ou wouldn’t necessarily know it, but Thor: Ragnarok features three queer characters. One is Valkyrie, the female warrior played by Tessa Thompson. Another is Korg, the Kronan gladiator who befriends Thor and is played, via motion-capture and CGI, by the film’s director Taika Waititi. Then there’s Loki, the Asgardian god of mischief, played by Tom Hiddleston. Three queer characters. Crazy, right? It’s true. You just have to know where to look.

Let me explain. In the comics, Valkryie kisses women, and recently Thompson (the hero of Thor: Ragnarok on nearly every level) has confirmed that she played her as a bisexual character. Meanwhile, an issue of The Incredible Hulk a few years back revealed that Korg’s “beloved” was the warrior Hiroim. When I asked Waititi about his character’s sexual orientation a few months ago, he said he didn’t think of his character as gay when he played him, but “he could be.” And while Loki hasn't had any romantic entanglements in the Marvel movies and presents as a cisgender man, in the comics he's a gender fluid character. Are all of these characters explicitly, obviously queer in Ragnarok? No—except maybe Valkyrie—but that's not the point.

There has been talk for quite some time about if and when Marvel would finally introduce an LGBTQ person into the cinematic universe. Queer characters have been present in the comics for years; in addition to folks like Valkyrie and Korg, the entirety of the X-Men franchise serves as a metaphor for the lives of LGBTQ people. They’ve even started popping up in the Marvel TV shows (see: Jeri Hogarth on Jessica Jones). But in the movies? Nope. And at a time when inclusion and representation is at the forefront, every new blockbuster that omits queer people—and women and people of color—becomes more obvious. So for a movie like Ragnarok to have even a glimmer of LGBTQ visibility means something.​

This is all that matters to those in Hollywood.
lol calling loki gay in the movies because he shapeshifted into female disguises in the comics is a serious reach
mostly enjoyed the comedy aspects of the movie, and it was sweet seeing Jeff G on screen again

good watch as usual w/ Marvel, but nothing to jizz your pants over

also Black Panther trailer looked like garbage to me :shrug: even Justice League looked more appealing, and that's saying a lot
oh yeah and Karl Urban has got some serious fuckin jowls going on since he played Dredd, dang...

who ate all the pies etc
Supposedly this director actually makes you love the characters. Gr8 character development and such.

Will watch. Keep hearing how awesome this movie is.
I really enjoyed it
was very funny but at times felt too goofy
wouldn't make top 5 marvel movies
It was more of a comedy than any other marvel movie. Mixed feeling on the action. Some was awesome and some was too choreographed and just ended up being distracting. Overall, I liked it. Wasn't great, but good.