This is why Live Journal sucks . . .

Tue, Mar. 9th, 2004, 05:23 pm
here is a picture of me about to perform more body mutilation. so 4 those of u who dont think i cut myself UR WRONG cuz I DO!!1

got ourselves a real winner right there
There's this grrl in my english class who's this total preppy BitchSLut named amy. I totally hate her because she think sshe's all hott and stuff in her stupid preppy clothes.
So today I was sitting in class, thinking about how shakespeare is a fuckin' moron because he can't write lyrics like marilyn manson Then I was thinking about shaving an AnArChY symbol into my head beacuse I hate the government and my parents would get totally piSSed later, i was looking around the room and I swear amy glanced in my direction. she's gotta have the hots for me. tomorrow i'm totally gonna ask her out so we can cut ourselves in my basement and I can lick her blood...she's totally hot i hope shell step on me with boots and piss on my face I wrote this poem about her
so i was in my basement carving my deeply tortured and deeply meaningful poetry into the drywall with the key to my mom's volvo and my dad called down to me and said "wipe that lipstick off of ur face and get up here and help set the table for dinner!" and i yelled back "fuck u u fucking fucker! i don't have time to be pushed around by ur rules and shit, man! will setting the table help ease the great dark fire that burns in my bellie that comes from living in this upper-middle-class hell? i am numbed by my lack of need! this whole family is so fucking perfect i wasn to kill us all so we can understand the darkness of deep sweet death!" except i only thought that because if i said that he'd not let me play ddr for a week again and i can't fucking go another week without ddring the pain away.

this can't be real or serious
i don't how much he lies on his journal but i can assure that this kid is really messed up.

edit: i've never met him in real life
Fri, Feb. 27th, 2004, 07:07 am
painis poetry
here's some more poetry that i wrote last night while masturbating to "butts in bondage".

I feel the darkness creep over my fetid corpse,
the anguish of the swamp seeps into my bones.
A horn toad hops in the distance,
so horny that I kill, kill for you


Because of you.

Whip me into sodomy,
fill my painis with miserable pleasure,
She dies in my semen rage.
Current Mood: HoRnY aS FUCK
Current Music: MaRaLyN mAnSoN - CoMa WhItE
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cant be real
the fo0: what is your dream?
deadsoul666hate: my dreaam is 2 meet trent reznar in pesron and kiss his feet and let spue his angstritten cum across my face