Thin Red Line

a thin red line was a french psuedo intellectual nature film masquerading as an american war epic

obviously it dissapointed the audience the trailers were targeted at. if you're into that pussy french style of inner reflection film making then fine, youll like the movie
CapnPyro said:
a thin red line was a french psuedo intellectual nature film masquerading as an american war epic

you seem like a nice guy, but you don't have a clue as to what you're talking about in this instance.
I love this movie a lot. I saw it when it came out on tape the first time.. and loved it. I bought it on DVD a year ago, and still love the hell out of the movie. The people who don't understand it/like it don't surprise me.
Band of Brothers, Saving Private Ryan, Blackhawk Down, Patton, Platoon, Full Metal Jacket, Dear Hunter, all are better than Thin Red Line. However Thin Red Line was pretty good.

Tora Tora Tora, Midway, Das Boot, The Beast (Russian Afgan war), Kelly's Heroes (Goofy but good).

There are a lot of good war movies not mentioned but my #1 pick would have to go to Band of Brothers. I have heard that Downfall is supposed to be good. I think its covers the final hours of the 3rd Riech. (Spelling?)
Lucien1964 said:
There are a lot of good war movies not mentioned but my #1 pick would have to go to Band of Brothers. I have heard that Downfall is supposed to be good. I think its covers the final hours of the 3rd Riech. (Spelling?)

I want to see Downfall, it's gotten good reviews. Unfortunately it's only shown in LA and new york
Extremely well executed movie that was also as boring as hell. I don't remember making it to the end. Zzzzzzzzzzz z z z z z z
HelenKeller said:
i'll go out on a limb here and say that the majority of the mtv generation didn't like this film.

Well the majority of Tribal war doesn't watch MTV, and it looks like the majority also didn't like the movie. So, I guess you can say the majority of anyone generation didn't like this film.
:rofl: this thread comes up like once a month, and pretty much anyone who thinks thin red line was even a _decent_ war movie is a hippy