Thin Red Line

A friend of mine and I rented the thin red line when it first came out. I couludnt hvae been more than 14 at the time, and I thought it was boring as sin. I suppose it is a bit too intellecutal for a 14 year old.
Yobol said:
Quite possibly the most boring movie on war ever. I tried to watch it twice, fell asleep both times.
that's because you're stupid.

if you were smart, you would've learned after the first time, like me. :)
i'll go out on a limb here and say that the majority of the mtv generation didn't like this film.

i enjoyed it very much, but there is almost nothing similar to it in the war movie genre, because it's not really a war movie. rather, it's a collection of personal reflections that happen to take place while the characters are mired in wwii, presented in a fashion that results in a narration of collective consciousness. all this in front of a backdrop of not just war, but more importantly vivid imagery ranging from beauty to heartache and despair.
HelenKeller said:
i enjoyed it very much, but there is almost nothing similar to it in the war movie genre, because it's not really a war movie. rather, it's a collection of personal reflections that happen to take place while the characters are mired in wwii, presented in a fashion that results in a narration of collective consciousness. all this in front of a backdrop of not just war, but more importantly vivid imagery ranging from beauty to heartache and despair.
If i wanted personal reflections from a collective consciousness, id read a fking book, a medium which supports that well.
This movie bored me to tears. If they classified it under something maybe than other a war movie maybe I would have been ready for a 3 hour poetry reading. Just wasn't my type of movie.
Terrible movie.

Shame much was right about it, but the pace was flat out awful. Too many melodramatic slow moments. I got the point of them, but it was still boring as hell. Good movies make points without trying so hard imo
Great movie, I especially like the donnie-darko-deep lines like "OMG I shot somebody! That's worse than rape!" :rolleyes:

Although it was awesome when that guy blew his own ass off with his a grenade, goddamn I laughed so hard.