Theres a cyst in my knee

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all that sugar ceral goes straight to my knees

don't fat shame my knee. all knees are beautiful
Indiana Jones raiders fact:

During Indy's lecture to his students on the Neolithic, Dr. Jones talks about a "cist", which is a chest-shaped burial. Dr. Jones pronounces the word "cist" wrong - Archaeologists pronounce "cist" with a hard "k" sound at the beginning, whereas Dr. Jones pronounces it like "cyst" with a soft "s" sound. A genuine Archaeologist who knew about the Neolithic would not make this mistake.

I hope they don't loot your site because there are rumors of a gold coffin.

Yeah and mark the RIGHT leg before the surgery yourself, or you may wake up with one of your kidneys going to Steve Jobs.
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just cut the fucking thing out yourself. Lance it with a razor knife. Then squeeze the stuff out of it. Next use needle nose pliers to pull out the cyst sack.

It will hurt like a mofo but it will get done.
just cut the fucking thing out yourself. Lance it with a razor knife. Then squeeze the stuff out of it. Next use needle nose pliers to pull out the cyst sack.

It will hurt like a mofo but it will get done.

its physically located inside the middle of the knee. You can't tell from the outside that it exists, only showed up on an MRI due to persistent knee pain.

It's prob a bakers cyst

google says thats behind the knee, and the back of my knee looks and feels fine.