The vaunted "sacrifice" of US military goons

White people know the correct path is to get the 4 year degree, and go in as an officer.

Otherwise it's a shit life starting at the bottom and working your way up. They had a documentary on air craft carriers, and showed the recruits coming in and being assigned to their job on the ship. Some got a nice easy job in the kitchen, while others got a shit job of pushing the arrestor cable back into place on the deck. If you don't know, the arrestor cable is hot, and has grease all over it. The person who got that job knew it, complained, but nothing changed. He was fucked.

Some of us are too old to go in now. I did the mandatory sign up just out of high school but was never called in 1982.
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White people know the correct path is to get the 4 year degree, and go in as an officer.

Otherwise it's a shit life starting at the bottom and working your way up. They had a documentary on air craft carriers, and showed the recruits coming in and being assigned to their job on the ship. Some got a nice easy job in the kitchen, while others got a shit job of pushing the arrestor cable back into place on the deck. If you don't know, the arrestor cable is hot, and has grease all over it. The person who got that job knew it, complained, but nothing changed. He was fucked.

Some of us are too old to go in now. I did the mandatory sign up just out of high school but was never called in 1982.

Thats not always true. It depends on what MOS you go into. Granted you generally start at the bottom of the heap, but its way better to be at the bottom of the heap in something like military intelligence than it is infantry
to be fair, that's exactly what it would be like in a socialist/communist society

i remember when absent used to be edgy in ways that wasn't Bolshevism approved by his handlers

absent is a jew who uses the truth to spread antisemitism. he is basically an albino jesse jackson.
The incentives are there to drag in the dregs of society. The poor, the uneducated, the otherwise prospectless.

This gives a good solid mass of cannon fodder to defend the US economy without needing to have the politically disastrous prospect of conscripting valuable members of society.
why is this thread going to make me so happy when russia annexes and invades Finland again

and he can't find any USA green niggers on military welfare to save him?

yet condemns us for not doing enough fast enough (again)
The incentives are there to drag in the dregs of society. The poor, the uneducated, the otherwise prospectless.

This gives a good solid mass of cannon fodder to defend the US economy without needing to have the politically disastrous prospect of conscripting valuable members of society.

it would be better to just fold up community college kids and shoot that at shitty countries directly

in fact i am proposing that idea for fiscal funding at my next meeting
The 'sacrifice' is a shitty fucking military life lmao god damn.. you're on a fucking leash and you can't leave. Sign on the dotted line and your ass belongs to some roided blowhard for X number of years.

In exchange you get all the shitty things absent listed. The smart ones extract some benefits and move on/up...the dumb ones remain cannon fodder.

And no, none of them really defend the US in any capacity beyond simple deterrence. But you gotta feed them pride, you know?
That's not a sacrifice, that's just a choice. The US goon squad called the Armed Forces is a welfare kindergarten program for grown up losers who may or may not have murderous tendencies. They don't serve their country, only corporate interests. They're mercenaries. Basically, lowest scum.
That's not a sacrifice, that's just a choice. The US goon squad called the Armed Forces is a welfare kindergarten program for grown up losers who may or may not have murderous tendencies. They don't serve their country, only corporate interests. They're mercenaries. Basically, lowest scum.
Sometimes they do hard service and die for it but yeah it's very rare when looked against the total number of enlisted.