The US Constitution is a contract....


Veteran XV
......between the American government and the people.

It was written 230 years ago.
There have been 27 amendments.
The last amendment was signed 28 years ago.
Most of the 27 that were about important stuff were signed more than 150 years ago

There isn't a business in this world that would operate on a contract like that. Such a business would have been bankrupt long before Der Orangenfuhrer learned how to spell it.
that constitution created the longest lasting democracy in history.

obviously doing something right :shrug:
I always thought it was just a recognition of rights that all humans have and also a reminder of how we need to defend those rights. :shrug:
that constitution created the longest lasting democracy in history.

obviously doing something right :shrug:

Ah democracy. A nice idea in theory, an almighty clusterfuck in practice. Never more evident than when it let a senile attention-whoring orange babboon into the White House.
that constitution created the longest lasting democracy in history.

obviously doing something right :shrug:

I thought the US wasn't a democracy?

Also, is there some reason you think that England/Great Britain/The UK shouldn't be included?
Its a form of democracy that guards against true forms of it yes. Seemed our founding fathers knew of its shortcomings, but also recognized that humans are power hungry assholes that can't be trusted.

Why is this confusing?
Its a form of democracy that guards against true forms of it yes. Seemed our founding fathers knew of its shortcomings, but also recognized that humans are power hungry assholes that can't be trusted.

Why is this confusing?

Possibly because you now have a President who's a power hungry asshole that can't be trusted. So that didn't pan out too well.
Until Trump does away with the legislative branch and judicial you're argument doesn't have any legs to stand on....oh and also the 2nd Amendment. Those two fail we have a few million willing to set things right.

Sad part is not many other countries have this many safeguards in place.
and you think crooked Hillary would've been better? :lol:

i'm glad you can't vote.

If I gave you a choice between setting your balls on fire or punching you in the face, would you argue on the internet for everyone to get punched in the face because it's a great thing?
If I gave you a choice between setting your balls on fire or punching you in the face, would you argue on the internet for everyone to get punched in the face because it's a great thing?

look man, I know you hate trump with a passion, sort of like the rabid extremist leftists in this country. TDS is very real, and you suffer from a pretty bad case of it. the truth is, trump is doing a pretty good job. now I know you can never admit that, because it would mean your hate for trump is unfounded. but thankfully, you can express your hate all you want, and it will never fucking matter, so :shrug:
......between the American government and the people.

It was written 230 years ago.
There have been 27 amendments.
The last amendment was signed 28 years ago.
Most of the 27 that were about important stuff were signed more than 150 years ago

There isn't a business in this world that would operate on a contract like that. Such a business would have been bankrupt long before Der Orangenfuhrer learned how to spell it.

This isn't a business. You're a citizen of this country on paper only. Go take care of your sand covered outhouse