The Twitter Files

The Ukrainians...
Come from a section of Russia referred to as the Ukraine
They want to cut from Russia like the South wanted to cut from the United States

You defend the Ukrainians wanting to cut out but balk at the South and then claim the south started it, even though the North did everything they can to force the souths hand; similar to how the United States Federal Govt imposed the naval embargo on the Japanese islands in the 1930s and forced their hand which resulted in Pearl Harbor.

"bUt tHeY aTtAcKeD uS fOr nO rEaSoN!" which ultimately resulted in the United States Federal Government firebombing 100k civilians and then dropping not one but two atomic bombs for shits and giggles.

"tHeY sTaRtEd iT!" signed,
The United States Federal Government

that makes a lot of sense to me fael
do you need any more help with samUwell's post?
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severed i need all the help i can get

please walk me thru this logic i want to live in this world

thank u brother
If Texas wants to become it's own sovereign country like Ukraine, will you support us, Carl? Will you fly our flag on ur Twitter avatar and on TW sig? Or will you die at our borders like a dirty Russian?

The Ukrainians...
Come from a section of Russia referred to as the Ukraine
They want to cut from Russia like the South wanted to cut from the United States

Ukraine existed long before the USSR ever did
texas, or as I like to call it uppity northern mexico is a region of mexico that thinks it's ukraine and I fully support mexico's right to come get their shit back
this is just what happens when you turn the paleocon knob too far and just become a tsarist advocating for the russian empire's 1914 borders