The Truth about old_skul

TheRedDread said:
This thread went from T2 Base to Ultra Renegades.

So true... well, I dunno about Cheater after this and some posts last week. He seems to making an ass of himself lately.

Old_Skul comes on and posts and I find it hard not to believe him. You need to find better women man, it's not hard.
amRam said:
Well next time you stop a woman from clawing and attacking you without laying a finger on her give me a call... I'll make sure to give you an award

Solution, don't date crazy women. There are certain types that will do this sort of thing. Most of them are the really hot ones for one. They are messed up in the head.
How about we just don't judge something we know nothing about and give OS the benefit of the doubt.
amRam said:
Well next time you stop a woman from clawing and attacking you without laying a finger on her give me a call... I'll make sure to give you an award

Again, most of us don't date prostitutes.

(wtf kinds of girls are you and chen dating)
James said:
I have been hit for good reasons... I think I said something mean to ex#2 and she bit me. I think she may have slapped me once, but I don't remember.
I pinched a girl on the ass once.

She slapped me. Hard.

I responded with, "Well, I guess that means you aren't coming home with me tonight."

She slapped me again. Harder.

I deserved it.
Hi, after careful consideration, there is probably some truth in all of this, I don't believe the gay/homosexual thing, the credit cards are a real possibility and maybe some abuse occured, then again maybe they fought and abused each other, perhaps she suffered some type of behavioral problem when her brain was damaged or maybe he's a control freak.....

In either case, you've both split up, and probably moved on to better things, sure there are probably still hurt feelings but fighting back and forth reminds me of high school...GROW UP!!
orbital 123 said:
Solution, don't date crazy women. There are certain types that will do this sort of thing. Most of them are the really hot ones for one. They are messed up in the head.

Well you guys are saying you'd NEVER hit a WOMAN, period.

That includes the fucking crazy ones. Now you're making exceptions to your rules, thus making them completely void.
orbital 123 said:
Solution, don't date crazy women. There are certain types that will do this sort of thing. Most of them are the really hot ones for one. They are messed up in the head.

That's my problem. I date hot girls (some ex-models) and yup they're mostly all fucked in the head... I guess I can take blame for getting myself invovled with those types.
orbital 123 said:
Solution, don't date crazy women. There are certain types that will do this sort of thing. Most of them are the really hot ones for one. They are messed up in the head.

You often don't realize they are crazy for some time...
Under normal circumstances, I would never hit a woman in anyway. Now if this woman has a knife/sword/chainsaw/gun, I'll make an exception, because at that point the fight has become even.
Lilith said:
Wow, this was fun.

Thanks for the laughs. A trail of peers on TW is better than any court IMHO.

Truthfully I don't believe any of this character bashing that started this. O_S will deal with all of this with his Ex.

How many of you remember the day he told us about the car accident? That was love. Not sure of the motives but I watch enough Lifetime and HBO to know a BS story when I here one.

Thanks, Lilith. I appreciate the words of confidence. Truth be told, that was love - and I can honestly say I was blubbering like a baby while reading Tribalwar (not something I *ever* expected to do) the day she was injured. I was on some cheesy censored internet terminal in the hospital, and people kept staring at me because with every post of well-wishes from the normally juvenile people that make up this community, I was choking back sobs.

None of this crap changes that, and I still give my all to make these LANs happen with my brother specifically because of stuff like that. For once, the community dropped the constant bickering and bullshit, and showed its true colors. I will never forget that.
orbital 123 said:
What if she posted on TW before you dated her?

Considering there are less then 3 women here that didn't get introduced to tribalwar by their boyfriends or husbands, the chances are pretty slim.
amRam said:
Well you guys are saying you'd NEVER hit a WOMAN, period.

That includes the fucking crazy ones. Now you're making exceptions to your rules, thus making them completely void.

What exceptions? I said don't hit them, so don't hit them. If you date a crazy one you still don't hit them, but that is your fault for dating a crazy girl, not hers for being crazy. Or maybe you just don't treat women very well so they get angry and violent. that would be your fault then too.