"The only thing that scares me with Bush"

The only thing that scares me about Bush is that he'll keep on doing what he is doing...well...except for demolishing world diplomacy, that job is basically complete. Mission Accomplished, one might say.
If one more Bush supporter tells me "Kerry is overall the most liberal in the Senate," I'm gonna go postal.

Let's see what factcheck.ORG has to say...

Actually, his lifetime rating is 11th or lower, depending.

So he was the most liberal senator of LAST YEAR (and '86, '88, '90). And he was last year because of missed votes from campaigning.

Also see $8 Million Worth Of Distortions

I'm tired of all these lies and distortions on both sides. I just want Nov 3rd to be here already.
GigaFool said:
the best part of this thread is that popcorn actually think democrats are any different from republicans

you gotta be pretty stupid to want to identify with either party, honestly

unless you've found a way to make $$ cause of it like that idiot hannity
GigaFool said:
the best part of this thread is that popcorn actually think democrats are any different from republicans

you gotta be pretty stupid to want to identify with either party, honestly

There's only 2 choices and that's not my fault. I lean Republican because I have no other real choice. Kerry has been put forward by the Dems and that is simply right out. I'm not voting for him because of his record, not because of anything that anyone told me and because "anyone but Bush" is the most retarded argument ever for choosing a leader. I think politics is dirty pool on both sides, so you're wrong. I have plenty of problems with Republicans, especially people like Tom Delay and Trent Lott.

This thread is about the Draft fear tactic of the left, and I used the Social Security tactic to broaden the issue and point to another example of this same Democrat strat.

Claiming that terror is being used by Republicans to ramp up fear is a bad example because that threat is real, as the terrorists have already shown us. And as you can see by reading or watching the news, terror is a very real issue and concern for U.S. and global security.

A better example of Republicans playing dirty pool would be saying, "If you elect Democrats, they'll take away your guns", to me this is this same intellectual dishonesty, practiced by the GOP. There are other issues as well where the GOP just misses the boat.

So you are flat out wrong about what you think I know or mean.
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RetroHelix said:
If one more Bush supporter tells me "Kerry is overall the most liberal in the Senate," I'm gonna go postal.

Let's see what factcheck.ORG has to say...

Actually, his lifetime rating is 11th or lower, depending.

So he was the most liberal senator of LAST YEAR (and '86, '88, '90). And he was last year because of missed votes from campaigning.

Also see $8 Million Worth Of Distortions

I'm tired of all these lies and distortions on both sides. I just want Nov 3rd to be here already.

why this stuff is legal is beyond me
Claiming that terror is being used by Republicans to ramp up fear is a bad example because that threat is real, as the terrorists have already shown us. And as you can see by reading or watching the news, terror is a very real issue and concern for U.S. and global security.

A better example of Republicans playing dirty pool would be saying, "If you elect Democrats, they'll take away your guns", to me this is this same intellectual dishonesty, practiced by the GOP. There are other issues as well where the GOP just misses the boat.

so what you're saying is

even though the republicans have given us a perfect example of what you're talking about:

"if you elect kerry we will be attacked by terrorists"

it doesn't count

because you say so

nice job

So you are flat out wrong about what you think I know or mean.

actually i'm pretty right in that you don't have a clue and completely ignore information that doesn't jive with your opinions

congratulations, shill
I went to a Q&A session with some troops that had just come back from Iraq yesterday and they said they were concerned.

They said both candidates had pleged to not bring back the civilian draft but they also noted that there is already a back door draft in place that is forcing military personnel to stay in.

Soldiers are being threatened with immediate deployment to Iraq if they don't re-enlist. Pregnant women in the national guard are being forced to sit at fort campbell during their units deployment as PUNISHMENT because they have such a retention problem. They are already below their goal of retention by 5,000 people.

Also, because the pentagon (more specifically, the neocons) so drasticly underestimated the number of troops it would take, they are speeding up the deployment and redeployment of units. Soldiers who they planned to send in 3 years from now are going to be going in January.

Basically these veterans said, if not a draft, something. Something has to happen because we are stretched far too thin.

They basically said Bush wasn't being honest with the American people because something major has to happen and he hasn't put forth any plan to deal with it.
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PopCorn said:
Claiming that terror is being used by Republicans to ramp up fear is a bad example because that threat is real, as the terrorists have already shown us. And as you can see by reading or watching the news, terror is a very real issue and concern for U.S. and global security.

Terror is a real issue, and Bush has not only ignored Iran and North Korea and failed to catch bin Laden, he has also created out of thin air a new haven and magnet for terrorists in Iraq.

I'm not voting for Bush because he is a fucking disaster.
Got Haggis? said:
sort of like kerry and the flip-flop "issue"

Another bad example.

Kerry has changed positions, many times. That is not a tactic or smear, it's a damned fact for anyone with eyes, ears and a brain.

The Draft fear tactic is nothing more an extrapolated hypothetical talking point, the fact that people can't see the difference is amazing.
PopCorn said:
blah blah blah.

Respond to my post.

Soldiers coming back from Iraq realize that something needs to be done... so what is it?

Our armed forces are stretched way too thin.
PopCorn said:
Another bad example.

Kerry has changed positions, many times. That is not a tactic or smear, it's a damned fact for anyone with eyes, ears and a brain.

The Draft fear tactic is nothing more an extrapolated hypothetical talking point, the fact that people can't see the difference is amazing.

Good job on regurgitating what's being fed to you.
Christ, you people are pathetic and insane.

"My crooked politician is better than yours! Supporting him makes me a more intelligent and worthwhile human being than you!"

I cannot wait until this shit is over. At least then only one side will be whining.
Kurayami said:
Christ, you people are pathetic and insane.

"My crooked politician is better than yours! Supporting him makes me a more intelligent and worthwhile human being than you!"

I cannot wait until this shit is over. At least then only one side will be whining.

Shades of grey, friend.

Kerry may not be perfect, but he's a HELL of a lot better than Bush.