The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

Wii has been broken for the past 2 years.

Haven't been arsed enough to call up Nintendo in that time. Says something about the system, I guess.
You have to have the Wii Motion Plus add-on for a controller, a Wii Motion Plus combination controller, or the gold Wii-Mote that comes with the special edition of Zelda.
I read reviews saying it's better than OoT - figured it was just hype. I'm only a few hours into it but I wouldn't at all be surprised if it's way better. Game is sick.

I might just get this for Dolphin and run HD textures, but to be honest OoT had graphics that were ahead of their time while this has subpar graphics after playing BF3. I'm not saying that it can't be better than OoT because the graphics are worse, but that a lot of the cinematic feel of being immersed in a new open world 3D game will probably be lost this time. Though the Dolphin version looks pretty slick if you got a good PC:

[Wii] - The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
So you want them to make a Zelda game not a Zelda game...?

There's only so much you can do with a franchise. The only other franchise I can think of that has changed a lot (and successfully each time) would be another Nintendo franchise, Mario. Super Mario Bros, Super Mario 2, Super Mario 3, Super Mario World, and Super Mario 64 all were pretty different from each other mechanically. Since SM64 the games have been rehashes for the most part though.

Also, to those too cheap to buy Wii games; just softmod it. :shrug:

There was a huge change in zelda games when it went from LttP to OOT and they didnt make a zelda game not a zelda game then, did they? Now for the last ten years they have been making the same game over and over.

Im not saying change the zelda series I'm saying make it fresh with some different gameplay or something. The graphics are stale and the game play is stale. You can only remake OOT so many times.

I'm also tired of the linear gameplay. I't doesn't feel like an adventure anymore like when I played the first one 25 years ago. It feels like I am being forced to once place then another because they are making you follow their storyline.

Im gonna keep playing playing SS, maybe I will enjoy it more.
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Was gonna rent, then realized it requires motion plus. No thanks.

I can't imagine the game without motion plus. It's part of what makes the game what it is.

Oh and to anyone complaining about SS using the same old Zelda formula, you should try it out... they tweaked a lot of things. I didn't even finish Twilight Princess but I'm loving Skyward Sword.
Thats the other thing.

Making you swing a remote doesn't make a stale series fresh again.

You might change your mind when you try it. Read the reviews... reviewers are saying it's the first time someone has created a motion controlled game that really uses the gameplay to it's advantage.
Thats the other thing.

Making you swing a remote doesn't make a stale series fresh again.

damn, it looks really pretty but to play it I need to buy a motion plus? (what) and then a bluetooth deal for my PC

thats a lot of investment
Pairing itself with Wii MotionPlus, Skyward Sword's 1:1 combat is a revelation. I never want to play a Zelda game any other way again, and playing through this makes me wonder why we didn't see motion control of this quality before. The responsiveness and intuitiveness of the entire arrangement is superb. The applications of Motion Plus never step into gimmicky territory. Guiding your mechanical flying Beetle, rolling bombs, swimming in water and soaring through the sky by pivoting and flicking the remote not only feels natural, it makes you wonder how you ever played an action game that wasn't on Wii. Zelda: Skyward Sword is the purest, most perfect realization of Nintendo's ambitious goals for motion-controlled gaming. It somehow took five years, but the definitive proof plays out before you on the screen.
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword is the greatest Zelda game ever created. It's the best game for Wii and one of the finest video game accomplishments of the past 10 years. The game has once again raised the bar and forged new territory for an iconic and innovative franchise. It's not enough that it finally establishes a powerful, stirring origin story or that it features near-perfect pacing. What puts Skyward Sword over the top is its layered, dense, absolutely perfect gameplay that manages to not only nail motion-controlled combat but remarkably offers a stunning level of diversity.

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Review - Wii Review at IGN
You might change your mind when you try it. Read the reviews... reviewers are saying it's the first time someone has created a motion controlled game that really uses the gameplay to it's advantage.

I have been playing it. Just now getting the pieces to the key for the volcano dungeon.
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Bought it but have not played yet. Seems to have gotten a fairly positive reception, some are claiming it is a very strong "last hooray" for the Wii.

I had played Twilight Princess on the CG when it was "real" ie. Link is left-handed. But with the wii controls and such they had to make him right-handed or the bulk of people would get all confused.
Bought it, loved it. 56 hours in and I beat the game (did all of the side content minus getting the last full heart container) Definitely the best Zelda game to date.

Started hero mode the other night, a pretty good challenge. No hearts from anywhere to heal you, only sleep, pieces of hearts, fairies or pots will do it. You also take 2x the damage so any dumb mistakes really sting.
It's like some weird-off spring of windwaker and twilight princess, add in wii motion plus controls, but over all it's boring as fuck and really half assed. The controls are a bit heavy too, it's like they wanted to make the Wii motion plus stuff work, but they used it in the wrong places.

Wasn't impressed at all... It's like you can see what they wanted, their goal at the end of the tunnel, and you can also see exactly where they gave up trying to get to that goal.

And other than it's super repetitiveness, I will say that I like the games music at least.
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