The latest uber abuser

Nice to see she didn't get to walk away (cops arrived as she was about to take a taxi away)

Apparently he didn't press charges and only got a small cash settlement, sounds like well under $1k though they didn't say how much.

I figured she had caused the big dents in the car before the video but I guess not. I'm guessing there really wasn't much the guy could have pressed charges for as crazy as that seems. Too bad because judging by her attitude she very well might have ended up accusing HIM of assault or worse, and ruining his life...if there hadn't been video.
I so wanted to grab her by the hair and drag the cunt out of the car and dump her in the gutter

Why the fuck does everyone just stand around saying "oh my gahwd" and film shit?

If that happened near me I would have dragged her out and got some dudes to sit on her
didnt read whole thread

but it seemed like she had friends there, and the one with the video was one of them?

what kind of beta ass male friends would let her do that and just record for youtube purposes smh
didnt read whole thread

but it seemed like she had friends there, and the one with the video was one of them?

what kind of beta ass male friends would let her do that and just record for youtube purposes smh

maybe she's a bitch all of the time and he hated her
didnt read whole thread

but it seemed like she had friends there, and the one with the video was one of them?

what kind of beta ass male friends would let her do that and just record for youtube purposes smh

This coming out of your mouth is so fucking comical.